Part 33

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Lorenzo's POV

"You want one?" Ricco asked as he poured himself a drink from the cart in my office. "You look like you need a drink, so I give you permission to get drunk."

As good as that sounds, I promised Klarissa I'd get sober. I can't be getting shit faced off drugs and alcohol with my brothers every night when my baby is going to be upstairs sleeping. If I start now, I should be good by the time the baby actually gets here. When I was raising Ciro I was sober, so I know that I'm capable of it. I owe sobriety to my wife and unborn baby.

"No." I said as I spun the ring on my finger. "I can't tonight."

"That's too bad." Ricco said as he took a sip of my favorite scotch. "It's really good."

"Can you sit down and shut the hell up so I can talk to you." I said. "It's really important."

"Yeah, sorry." he said as he sat back down. "So what's going on? You've looked super stressed ever since we left Chicago."

I let out a long sigh and ran my hands through my hair. Do I really look like I have that much on my mind?

"She's pregnant." I said as I confided in my brother. "I got her fucking pregnant."

"Shit. After all these years you've never had a slip up with this sort of thing. You're always in control of everything." he said as he looked directly at me. "Do you know how far along she is?"

"She thinks maybe two or three months, but her appointment to find out for sure is for tomorrow." I said. "I can't have a baby right now Ricco! Now just isn't a good time for it, we're not ready."

"No one's actually ever ready for it." he told me. "You'll figure out how to balance work with being a father. It's not going to be easy, but you guys will figure it out. Plus you have all of us to help."

"I'm just trying my best to not be angry with her." I explained. "All I asked of her was to take some birth control pills. I didn't want an accident. But I recently found out she wasn't taking them and now I've got myself a baby."

"How's Rissa doing with it though?" Ricco asked. "I'm sure you're reaction when she told you wasn't great."

"She's handling it pretty rough." I said as I sighed. "I tried to reassure her about it, but we had a discussion about children after the shooting. She knows I don't want a baby right now."

"So what's the plan?" he asked. "Are you gonna keep it?"

"Yeah, I can't suggest to her that I want her to get rid of it. It's not that I don't want a family with her someday, but now's not the time." I said as I drank the rest of my water. "You know how things are with our international affairs. If everything keeps going like how it is, I'm going to move everyone to Florence. There I'll have more men and it's just safer since we're in our home country."

"But can you promise me something Ricco?" I asked as shut my eyes tight with stress.

"Yeah, what is it?" he said back to me.

"Don't say anything to anyone yet about the baby. Especially not to Gianna or to our other brothers. I just need time to think and figure all this shit out." I explained as I looked over at him.

He had an understanding look on his face. I knew he wasn't going to say anything and I was thankful for it. Him of all people know how stressful it is to have a baby.

"Yeah, I won't say a word." he said as he nodded his head. "If I'm being honest though, Gianna probably already knows. Aside from the maids, she's the only other girl in this house."

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