Chapter 7

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Tristan's POV

"Hey... Adele dropped these off for you." I tell Serena. They were black dresses. "She said the one with the yellow bag is the one she choose."

"Thanks." She says as she sat on the side of the bed. She just stared at nothing. She did this a lot now. Where she zoned out and just stared at nothing. She hasn't cried at all.

I have known Serena's father longer than I have known Serena. He was the top guy in this drug game and when I was 15, he was the first to sell to me in a big batch and wasnt trying to make me a little runner. Thats how I started out in this game. Randomly, years later I met his daughter and got her pregnant but he was a nice guy.

Serena's relationship with him was different. Estranged a long time and they recently reconnected. I think she feels like shes been robbed of this.

"Hey." I say sitting on the floor infront if Serena. "You got this."

"He's dead." She says just staring at me. "My dad is dead. I haven't spent any time with him... I avoided him as a kid. He tracked me everywhere to make sure I was ok. I hated him most my life because my mom was always in shit and I felt like he left us even though my mom just ran away from him. Even now coming back to New York... I still wouldnt go out of my way to spend time with him... even though he always made sure I was ok... I'm his only daughter and I've been the worst one."

Serena burst out in tears for the first time since she heard the news. I sit next to her holding on to her as she just cries. She sobs for what seems like forever. It was weird because, I don't think I've ever been inlove with a girl like this? I was deeeply inlove to the point where I was feeling her pain? I hated seeing her so upset and I wish I could have just helped her out.

"It will be okay..." I tell her as she wipes her eyes. "I'm gonna have to re-do my make up." She says as she kisses my cheek. "You're sweet."  She says.

I was tired as fuck. Ive been taking care of Toby and letting Serena have some time with her family. Ive been juggling work and shit. My job was kind of hard. We managed a whole drug import and export. It was exhausting.

Serena sits down and does her make up again. She had her hair straightened falling down straight behind her shoulders.

"You need anything?" I ask her. "A shot." She says and I chuckle. "You want a xanax?" I ask and she nods and give her one.

The only thing that kept me going was some xanax and smoking some weed to keep me calm and functioning.

I head downstairs and see Toby was ready with the nanny. "Oh you look so smart." I say and Nancy laughs as she hands me the baby. "My son is so cute. Look at you Mr President."

"Were running late." Serena says as she walks into the living room. She wore a black dress and heels. "I'm ready."

"Thank you." I tell Nancy as Serena holds him. "You look amazing Mr President." She says to him kissing his face.

"Hold on..." Nancy says as she takes somethign off rhe back of Serena's dress.

"Maybe I should put my hair up. I take Toby and put him in the car seat while waiting. I stand a little bit away of the car smoking while waiting for Serena. She walks out finally sighing and I see her wanting to just walk back in before she talks herself in closing the door.

"Really? Great time smoke." She says annoyed. "Your son is right there."

"Im not even close?" I say.

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