Chapter 9

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Adele's POV

I spent my night thinking about Ace after I came home from Church. Its been a god damn year. What was wrong with me. Ace's smoothness, his pretty face, pearly teeth when he grinned. How did he make my panties soaking wet with his words. In freaking church.

I was going to hell.

I have dinner with the twins and Serena at Serena's place. We did this often at mine. Toby was having a nap, he slept a lot. He was a baby after all.

London wasn't feeling so good but still came. It worried me, she lost weight and was always tired and sleeping around.

"Maybe you are studying too hard?" Paris says. "You already have your acceptance letter from Yale. Why don't you chill."

"Its first of all depending on my grades. I want to be the top of the class. I worked way too hard all these years."

"Im so proud of you." I tell London hugging her tight. The twins were different yet the same. They weren't identical twins, yet very alike. London just a few notches toned down. She was very academically gifted. She was always into books and her future as the next big scientist or something.

Paris was more laid back. She was lucky she got into NYU to be honest. She was way more into partying and boys and hair and make up. She was basically me. London was sensible. She was very mature- she even had a boyfriend since last year. Paris, I have to fight the pervy college seniors to keave her alone.

"Im so excited for your graduations soon." Serena says. "I never graduated." I say and Serena nods. "Me neither..."

"When you guys go to college you will be apart for the first time ever."

"I know... it will be so weird." Paris says. "London cant wait to get rid of me."

"Thats facts." London says. "Its more like I've always had a loud bubbly popular twin who made friends for me." She wasn't even eating just scribbling homework.

Paris rolled her eyes and I know she was hurt by that. London was like her best friend and she loved her so much, she'd even do her homework with her just to spend time together.

"Okay. I might need to go lay down ." London says sighing. "Or not." She says sitting back down closing her eyes.

"London. You need to see a doctor." I tell her annoyed because she kept saying no.

I hear some voices followed by the appearance of Tristan and Ace.

"Just in time for dinner." Tristan says. I look at Ace as he greeted the twins who were both hugging him. Its been so long, they still acted like he was their family.

"So you're not gonna greet me now you got a boyfriend?" Ace teases me and I roll my eyes. "Hi?"

"Must be some alternate universe we live in." Paris says and I chuckle.

"Adele..." Paris says and I look at London now with her head on the table. "I'm being punished for being a great student." London mumbles.

"What's up with you?" Ace asks her.

"She dont eat, she just reads books all day." I say annoyed getting up. "London. I'm taking you hospital."

"Im OK." She says getting up but falls straight down. Ace grabs her and looks at me as London had now passed out. He picks her up and I take my keys out.

"I'll come..." Serena says as she talks to Tristan about baby Toby. I get some water to splash on London who wakes up again. "Im fine." She mumbles as Ace held up.

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