Chapter 8

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Ace's POV

Life was kind of just floating by. It was weird. I worked loads. I made so much money, Tristan and the boys we were just trying to find ways to not attract too much attention.

We started a few cover up businesses to run the money through.

Tristan was balancing baby daddy life and it was hard as fuck because this job was so demanding all hours of the day. When I dated Adele, I would be gone for 5 days somedays in a row and she would be upset with me. I cannot imagine Tristan's situation. Maybe thats why he was always high and shit trying to keep it all together.

After the whole Declan thing I realized I have lost my mind over this girl. I have really lost it. I ended his basketball career by fucking him so much he can't play anymore. He is permanently injured. I couldnt care less about him to be honest.

I just realized that I was losing control over things. So that probation thing was a great start to the end of Adele and I. It lasted a month. My lawyer got rid of it but Adele and I just never spoke again.

I see her brother Kayden often because he was kind of like a little brother- known him that long and he just saw me around parties or clubs. He'd call me for stupid shit- but it was never about Adele.

The twins and I havent spoken that much apart from when I told them they could keep the car Adele was trying to send back. She was so pettty she even moved out. I couldnt care less to be honest. I was tired of feeling some type of way.

All of that just made me realize I am not into no relationship stuff anymore. Girls and I were strictly having sex and that was it. I wasnt totally obsessing over them. Not like Adele. I mean Adele even now could tell me to jump and I would say how high.

I promised I'd help Bianca out with her move into my place because she broke up with Wayne. Ray stayed here most of the time - he literally sofa surfed between parties girls and my house. So she couldnt even stay at her brothers house.

"Okay B, what am I getting back in return?" I say as I drag her box into my house. "This is a lot of physical labour."

"Come on you go to the gym every single day. What is your problem?" She says.

"Well today I'm not going after all this." I say and she laughs sitting on top of the box. "Lets make it worth your while then." She says and I laugh. "You think I can't do it?" I say dragging her and the box as she screams.

"You guys stop flirting or we are going to be here all day." Ray says. "Flirting?" I say looking at Ray who was wearing Bianca's extensions of his head that Bianca put on.

"Can't believe were roommates again." Bianca says.

"Wait when have we lived together- not just staying over." I say and she thinks. "True- never actually. You used to stay with us when we were kids?"

"Yeah- because my father left me homeless to go drink with his buddies." I say and she laughs. "Yeah. Whateverrrrr." She says as I push her off the box as she screams.

"Okay get off now. I'm going to take it upstairs." I say as I run up the stairs with it.

I come back down the stairs and sit down finally. "I'm exhausted." I say as Ray sits down laying on top of me. "I need a full body massage." He says.

"Dont you think its pretty weird youre 24 and never had a relationship?" Bianca says sitting down looking at her brother.

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