Chapter 10

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Ace's POV

I just liked pissing Adele off and it was funny to see I still had it. To be honest, seeing her with that guy was painful. I knew about it... but seeing her sitting with him was just painful.

I had one plan and that was to destroy that relationship. I could do it easily. Adele and I were fucking soul mates. We just had to figure it out I guess.

I first just wanted to make her happy but I fee like I can make her happy? I have changed? I dont see red anymore. I can manage it better. Probably better than Adele? She was ready to kill me.

I come late night from working too much and Bianca was having some drinking party with some girls.

"Hey." Bianca says and I nod at her walking into the kitchen.

"So you've been weird." She says to me. "I know we slept together and stuff but..."

"I thought we were never repeating that." I say and she frowns.

"You told your ex."

"I didn't. I promise you she figured it out. She was my girlfriend for 4 years. She can basically read my mind."

"How cute." She says rolling her eyes.

"Look B. I am tired- but I always wanna sleep."

"Why are you being weird?" She says and I laugh. I think Bianca was trying to obsess over me to get over Wayne. But she was just still all over that just like I was still all over Adele.

"Look... You called me Wayne this morning. Call him. Join him in Mexico. I dont know..."

"Oops..." She says as she laughs. "As if you weren't imagining Adele."

"Shut up." I say and she sighs. "You know I was actually pretty cool with Adele. Think I just felt bad about sleeping with her man..."

"You're upset?"

"No, I just feel bad. She was my friend. We spent loads of nights together. We did so much shopping, nails and all that... I used to steal her stuff she left behind here."

"Maybe you should talk to her." I say and she just rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna continue drinking." She says as she hugs me and leaves me in the kitchen.

The next morning I wake up, go to the gym and head back home to shower. Bianca was laying on the couch sleeping. She was in the exact same position as when I left her this morning so I check if she's breathing. She was. I head over to Tristan- I did act like an ass because of Adele and her boyfriend and also Tanya was bringing back Toby and she told me to come for brunch or something.

"Oh for fuck sakes.. you here to cause more chaos?" Serena says and I chuckle. "Smells great in here." I say as I sit down looking at the table filled with foods.

"My mom is stuck in traffic." Tristan says walking in. "Oh look its the jackass of fhe hour."

"Look- I make all parties remember able."

"Yeah yeah." Tristan says messing with my hair before he sits down.

"Anyway... Adele's new boyfriend is lame and even you guys know it. He was a wimp couldnt even look at me in the eye."

"No. He was mature and did not react like you or Adele. You know what Adele thought?" Serena says. "She thought aw, what a refreshing change from my fire cracker ex. She thought he is cool as a cucumber, so mature."

"Oh please- Adele likes chaos. Thats what she thrives on. Shes fooling herself with that lame guy."

"You sound like a bitter ex." Tristan says as I watch Tanya come in.

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