Chapter 40

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Adele's POV

1 week later

I wake up in the middle of the night sitting up in cold sweats.

I had that dream again. The same dream. More like nightmare... I look at Ace fast asleep next to me.

I look at my arms and feel them burning. My thighs were on fire like someone was holding them open hard. The dream about my step father was horrible... it was not leaving me alone the last couple of days and I was not sure what triggered it.

Some nights when this took over, I felt sick. I felt like I could vomit. I felt so sad, angry and hopeless that I just wanted it to stop. I couldnt hold on to it any longer. My sanity and will to live. I sob silently as I leave my bed and walk into the bathroom as if I was floating. My legs had their own mind. Anything to make that horrible feeling stop.

I pick up Ace's razor and hold it to my wrist when Ace's voice startles me.

"Adele? Jesus." He says taking it from me. "What are you doing?"

I could hear him but I couldnt respond for a few seconds. "Adele? Adele." He says trying to shake me.

"Make it stop. Make them stop." I felt their hands on me. I felt them forcing my legs open. I felt the pain.

"Adele you're with me. Youre safe." He says to me as he gets a cold towel and puts it on my arms and then my legs. The cold water made me start to be back in touch with reality again.

I wake up the next morning with Ace sitting on the side of the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. He looks up from his phone and looks at me.

"Good morning." He says. His face still had a few marks from that whole thing last week.

"I think I'm going to vomit." I say as I get out of bed running to the bathroom. Ace follows me in.

"You good?" He says as I get up after throwing up.

"No. I don't feel good." I mumble as I wash my face and brush my teeth. He just stands leaning against the door frame in his grey nike matching tracksuit.

"Im worried about you." He says and I look at him as I climb back into bed.

"Stop staring at me like I am some weirdo."

"Adele. You are a weirdo." He chuckles sitting down on the side of the bed. "But you're my weirdo and I need to make sure my weirdo is OK."

"Well. I don't feel good. So, I like to go back to bed."

"I can see. You're freaking me out at night Adele. What if one night I find you dead?"

"Then just remember... I want a nice funeral. Lots of flowers."

"Cut it out." He says frowning.

"Okay. I don't know how to get rid of my nightmares Ace. I freak out too? I don't wanna fucking die either?"

"I want you to see someone about this." He says.


"Don't make me force you." He says kissing my lips. "You know I always win babygirl."

I put my hand on his cheek before I run my fingers through the back of his head pulling his hair.

"You sure?" I ask him.

"I love you." He says. "I just want you to be OK. I hate seeing you in so much pain that you're trying to kill yourself." He mumbles.

"I love that you care so much about me." I say as he stared at me. "I'll pull it together okay?"

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