Chapter 12

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Tristan's POV

"Adele? You okay?" I say looking at her. Her dress was ripped on the side and she held it together wit h her hand. She had tears running down her face. It was all making me panick. Ace left hours ago?

"Did you have a fight with Ace?" I say and she shakes her head.

"Other brother." She says staring out making me confused. "Your brother or mine?"

"Danny." She says and I frown. "Jesus. What happened? What did he do?"

Adele looked like she saw a ghost. She just stared out at nothing. She stopped crying as she now looked at her arms.

"Come on. Let's go inside."

"I don't wanna go inside." She says as she starts scratching her arms and legs. "My skin is burning." She starts crying again and I watch her scratch herself so hard shes making her skin bleed.

"Hold on. Adele... hold on." I say trying to stop her. I get my phone out calling Ace.

"Yo where are you?"

"Im sleeping what the fuck do you want."

"Adele is doing that thing again... I don't know how to help her but shes hurting herself."

"Im coming. Don't let her be alone." He says and I look around and Adele had gone.

I run inside and find her in the kitchen. She pulled out a knife and holds it to her wrist as she sobbed. Ace really always found himself crazy girls.

"Just put it down please. Put it down..." I tell her taking the knife from her. She slides on the floor.

She just sobs quietly as she hugged her legs.

I'll deal with Danny as soon as Ace got here. What the fuck was he doing assaulting girls. Danny was always a troublemaker. That was for sure. In school he always a thing of being too rough with girls. It was always his way or the highway. I look at Adele and suddenly realize he probably didn't just assault her. Her ripped dress.

Adele did this last time having these panick attacks and Ace told me it was because she was triggered. She was sexually abused as a child. Adele since the moment I met her quickly became like my little sister. She was a good person.

Danny was as good as dead when Ace hears of this.

"You can't tell Ace." Adele says to me as she had finally calmed down. "Because he will lose it and go back to jail. I don't want him to know. Please."

"I can't do that."

"You can." She says. "He's plotting something against you guys. I heard him thats why he did this. He was also messing with Ace's bmw. He said to someone over the phone "theyre family they will forgive me."


"Yes..." She says getting up. "Trust me on this. You can tell Ace whatever but if you tell him he touched me... he's dead. I dont want him to be responsible for killing his own step brother. He will have that over his head forever..."

"Adele I'm sorry to ask you but what did he do."

She was silent for almost a freakin minute.

"He dragged me into the car. He touched me everywhere. He kissed me. His unzipped his pants as he shoved his fingers in me but he heard noises so he dragged me out the car and left."

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