Chapter 31

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Ace's POV

"So you're not wearing your ring?" I ask Adele as she was trying to sit down at the dinner table. I take her hand and pull her to the side.

"I already told you. I want a cordial dinner. I think we ruined enough get togethers."

"It was one." I say and she just looks at me. She looked so beautiful I wanted to skip the whole meal and just take her home.

"I'll make sure you get your million dollar ring back." She says to me.

"I dont want it, i want to see it on your finger." I tell her.  "You look good as fuck."

"Stop it."

"You do?" I chuckle as she just cocks her head.

"You don't miss me?" I ask.

"No. You attacked my father!" She says. "And he attacked me first. I barely punched him. Lets call it even."

"Ace." She says as I laughed.

"I lost it. Im sorry." I say pulling her in kissing her lips. She gives in and I know why. Adele gave in easy whevever she missed me a couple of days.

"Now your sorry?" She says letting go of my hand.

"How come you never have part to play in it?" I ask her getting annoyed. I had a shot and was in happy land but this was bringing me back down. Adele would always be the one throwing the first punch- yet im always the bad guy.

She wants me to always beg and try get back in her good books, but its actually her who was in the wrong too.

"Because I was trying to solve it nicely." She says.

"Thats you trying to solve it nicely?" I say frowning.

"Hey. Why dont we sit down and eat our Thanks giving meal that were very Thankful for." Serena says as she stands in between us. "Whatever." I tell Adele. She was getting on my damn nerves. Paris and London walk into the room and I didnt even know London was back from College?

"Ace." She says as she hugs me.

"Hey. Youre back?" I say. "You dropped out too?"

"No." She laughs as I let her go. I think Ive spent so many years dating Adele ive been raising these kids with her at some point.

"I'm just here for the holidays and because my twin was having a melt down." She says to me looking at Paris who had sat down.

"She does have seperation issues." I say and London laughs. "Hows college?"

"Good." She says. "Its a bit crazy and its weird without Paris."

Paris is the life of the party. Even now she sat in between her mother and Kayden  she was still laughing and talking with half the table.

"Can you two sit down?" Serena says and I look at her nodding. She put me in between Kayden and Gia, opposite my father. Not sure why he was even here. At all. He sat next to Ann-Marie as both just looked at me.

This was fucking strange.

"Hey." I say seeing Gia who hugs me.

"Ive seen you like 5 times in a very short space of time. Do you still have to hug me everytime?" I ask Gia and she laughs hugging me again to annoy me.

Kayden sat next to Adele and I know Serena did that on purpose.

I have come in late so I wasnt sure who half the people here were. There were some extras I see.

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