Chapter 29

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Tristan's POV

Serena was dancing around the living room with Toby as Paris put on baby shark. That song was a constant in my house. I knew all the damn words along side 20 other nursery rhymes.

"Look even Romayne wants to dance to it." Paris says as she held my baby making her arms dance.

"Mckenzie." I say stopping him from jumping off the sofa. Adele would kill him as he stood on her white sofa. He just continues jumping off so I grab him and take his muddy shoes off as he continued.

"Stop it you're gonna break something." Serena says to Mckenzie as she stops him as he junped and rolled over to her. He actually listened to her as he skipped through.

I look at Serena who sits down letting Toby run around.

"So how long does it take to recover from labour?" Paris asks Serena as she stared at Remy.

Having three kids was manic. Especially two little ones. I can barely remember the last time I did something not including the kids. They were a constant part of my life. If one isnt crying, another one will. If one is sleeping, the other one is awake.

I was exhausted and Serena was too but she acted like a champ. She was a great fucking mother maybe thats why I was struggling more than her.

"Depends. Took me a few weeks."

"So when can you have sex again?" Paris says and I chuckle. She was just like her sister, maybe even more unfiltered.

"They say 6 weeks." Serena says.

"But you guys had sex before?" Paris laughs.

"Ofcourse. Have you seen her?" I say looking at Serena rolling her eyes. "She is irresistible." Paris says as I laugh.

Adele appears in the living room followed by Gia and another woman who I assume is Ann-Marie.

"Hey guys." Gia says as everyone got up while Gia did her usual rounds of her two kisses and excitement.

"Paris I thought you went to college?" Gia says

"Long story." Paris says

"This is Ann-Marie Jones." Adele says. She looked nice as she smiled and reached her hand out for me to shake.

"Im Tristan, Ace's older brother." I tell her and she nods as she shook my hand staring at me.

"You look like him. A lot." She says.

"Yeah Ace and I do look a like." I chuckle.

"Yes that too but I meant you look a lot like your father." She adds as I let go of her hand. Ew, he was a loser.

"This is my girlfriend Serena." I say and she smiles at her. "Hi." Serena says.

"Who is this?" She asks as Toby walked over to me making me pick him up. He did this new thing where he stared at strangers and started crying if they came near him.

"This is my son Tobias." I tell her. I just liked telling people of my kids. So far my proudest moment. "Thats Mckenzie and this is Romayne." I say pointing at Paris who held the baby.

"Im Paris, Adele's little sister." Paris says as Ann-Marie looked at her.

"Hi." Ann-Marie says.

"Where is Ace?" I ask Adele.

"He was on the phone upstairs." She says as Mckenzie runs up the stairs to get him.

"Where is Samantha?" I ask

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