Chapter 35

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Adele's POV

Christmas dinner wasnt all too bad. We had a good time, Ace and I did anyway. Tristan and Serena were still ignoring each other and Kayden has brought two girls along who clearly both like him by the way they are. Sophie and Kyle came too.

My sisters were with their dad and my mom was with some boyfriend I guess. It was weird having things back to normal again. I would forget things a little bit and then I would remember again but I was feeling much better.

"So what do you do again?" Kayden asks Kyle ignoring both his dates. He was so annoying at times.

"I am in marketing. So I work for like brands and stuff." She tells him.

"Thats pretty cool. Were trying to get some advertising in for our company." He tells her.

"I still cant believe how you started this company."  Tristan tells Kayden. "As a joke." I tell him. He really started it as a bet from Ace that he couldnt stick to something and do it and he actually just did it to prove him wrong. Him and his friend have a whole tech company where they develop apps or some shit.

I am proud of him to be honest but the girls thing is really triggering me how he has these girls in my house and he's treating them like nothing.

"What you guys doing in college?" I ask the girls.

"Im doing English." The blonde says and I nod. "Im doing Business and Finance."

"Thats nice."

"You in college?" She asks me. Im 2 years older than Kayden so technically if I went to college I would be now graduating but I kinda hated school and I never got along wifh people. Also I never had the opportunity to be carefree and go college.

"No. Kaydens the first person in our family to actually go to college." I tell her. "Does anyone in your family been to college?" Serena nods. "Jackson."

"Oh yeah." I say nodding.

"Your Jackson's sister?" The blonde one asks Serena who nods. "As in Jackson Suarez?"

"Yep." She says and the girl nods. "You guys look a like kind of." She tells her.

"You think so?" Serena laughs.

"We barely see Jackson since he got a girlfriend." She says and I chuckle.

"I didnt even know he had a girlfriend." Serena says frowning.

"You didnt?" Kayden laughs. "Theyre all over the internet. Kayla posts them like every hour."

"No way. Let me see."

"Apparently Jackson had another girlfriend before her but these relationships overlapped. So he cheated on his previous girl." The blonde one says

"Runs in the family." Tristan mumbles as he ate his food. He was so shady.

"Oh shut up." Serena says to Tristan who just shrugs.

"And also why you spreading his business." She says to the girl annoyed. Well I cant believe

"Your brother is a cheater. She's just stating what happened." Tristan says to her as he leans back in the chair. Why was he in such a mood suddenly?

I look at Ace who just shrugs.

"Hmm. Lets see so are you?" She says to Tristan. "But you kissing Izzy dont count does it?"

"Izzy!" Toby yells and I chuckle at him. "Say Adele!" I tell him.

"Adele!" He says making me laugh.

"So I am guessing you guys are going through a break up." Kyle says.

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