Chapter 28

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Ace's POV

I was angry as fuck sitting in the police station. Adele never listened to me and if she didnt waste my time - those 3 minutes were valuable and we would have not been in this cold room handcuffed.

I should have taken her home but I didnt have time.

I know she was freezing in that room in that little dress. I had already spoken to the lawyer. I was ready to go soon but they had my finger prints on the gun I left behind. I was annoyed at myself for messing up.

As I thought I finally was being let go, Adele's father walks through the door.

What does he fucking want from me.

"Its unfortunate we meet under these circumstances again." He says to me.

"I'm honestly not in the mood at the moment." I tell him.

"Well neither am I. I am getting sick and tired of you dragging my daughter through this shit." He says.

"Your daughter?" I laugh. Hes known her 2 days.

"You can't see it maybe or maybe you can and you just don't give a fuck about her. Shes been through enough. You are fucking up her life." He says and I just stare at him.

"Yo shut the fuck and get out of here." I tell him annoyed as I rolled my eyes.

"You think youre the big bad guy. You know I can make life hell." He says.

"Are you fucking threatening me?" I say trying to get up but I was handcuffed.

"Fuck you." I tell him.

"You need to leave my daughter alone." He says.

"You need to leave me alone before I fuck you up. You fucking bastard- you think I wont come off these cuffs? You think you know Adele? You know nothing about her or what she been through or what she likes. Dont act like a father when you known her two fucking days."

"You think you do... but you are not really seeing how youre her downfall?" He yells right back at me with his vein popping on his forehead.

"Im the one who was there when she was 16 struggling to care for her siblings. Im the one who supported her. I will always be so while you are acting all like the tough guy.... When I get out of here, trust me ill be the one fucking your daughter."

"You son of a bitch." He yells as he grabs my collar punching my face twice, three times before I watch the cops come in and drag him out.

They finally take the handcuffs off of me and release me an hour later. I wipe the blood off my face as some woman gives me a tissue for my nose bleed but I had already wiped it on my shirt.

I walk out and see Tristan, Ray and Adele standing outside. Adele had her heels in her hands and I looks at me.

"Jesus." Tristan says.

"What happened to you?" Adele says frowning. "Whose jacket is that?" I ask her and she frowns.

"Is this the time?" She says

"I just wanna get out of here." I say as I walk outside. I was exhausted and I needed my bed but the anger in me was not letting me rest.

"Hold on." Tristan says as I walk outside.

"Did the cops do that to you?" Adele asks as she put her heels back on. It was freezing.

"Whose jacket are you wearing?" I say and she takes it off. "My fucking father." She yells at me.

"Your fucking father is the one who did this while I was handcuffed. I'm gonna fucking kill him." I yell back at her.

"Just get in the car." Tristan says to both of us as Ray already got in Tristan's car.

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