Chapter 11

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HAPPY EASTER!!!! I hope you like the early update! Because I love Easter and I love all of you guys sooo much, I'm going to update 2 chapters instead of just 1! Enjoy! Btw, the second chapter of my Easter update is massive compared to all of my other chapters! I did it for you! Xoxo

(Romanna's POV)






'Romie!' Jessica called out while running straight into my open arms. She wrapped her small body around mine and I held her in a suffocatingly tight hug. I was in tears, again. Pulling away from the hug, I kissed her on the cheek.

I wiped away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks before she could see them and put on my bravest face.

Spinning her around in the spot, I looked her up and down. She wasn't hurt, there wasn't a single scratch or bruise on her entire body.

'What happened? Why were ya screamin like that?' I asked her calmly, seeing that she was still a little distressed and shaken up.

'It was Pitch.' Bunny spoke from behind me, while inspecting a pile of black sand.

'What!' Jack half yelled suddenly becoming really angry.

'Uh huh. Mate, I think that crazy big Ice Lightning Blast you set off earlia with the hunters, it must have stirred up some of Pitch's nightmares. I assume they must've gone back and told him what was happenin. He was goin afta the kid, usin her fear to strengthen his powas. We managed to fight him off, though he is still very weak and didn't put up much of a fight. He shouldn't be too much of a problem at the moment but from now on, we have to be careful. He's free and soona or lata he will be goin afta Romanna. We can't let him get his grubby hands on 'er, she's the an'sa to all of our problems.' Bunny finished while brushing some of the black sand like powder out of his white and blue-grey fur.

'Who's Pitch and why is he afta me? What did I do and how am I important to you guys? If he's afta me why did he attack my sista?!' I shot questions of every kind, one after the other while fuming.

Nobody scares my sister like this! I am going to make him pay for what he's done! Oh this Pitch guy better be scared because he's pissed off the wrong person. I will hunt him down and nothing will stop me!

'Wow, inquisitive arn't you! Don't worry we will explain but not here, he could still be watching.' Tooth started but stopped when Jack cut in.

'But how is that possible?! Pitch Black, is gone. We took care of him two years ago!' He exclaimed while tapping the back of my shoulder, getting me to step aside and let him see the sister I was freaking out so badly over.

'You must be Jessica! I've heard a lot about you. You know your sister was really worried about you.' He said sweetly while kneeling down to her eye level. Jack quickly glanced up at me with a wink and a "I told you so" smile.

'Wow you look so much like my sister did! That's crazy! No seriously she looks just like Emma. Tooth you would know, what do you think?' Jack said with an adorably curious smile.

'You know what, you're right. She does look a lot like your sister did Jack. She's the same age too' Tooth said happily in an attempt to break the amount of tension in the air.

Jess giggled when Jack bopped her on the nose with his index finger, making little blue sparkles float around her eyes. She continued into a giggle fit not long after the sparkles vanished.

It was nice to see her laughing and it was a big relief knowing she was ok. Though now, I felt embarrassed about crying so much in front of Jack.

Okay, he must think I'm nuts. I don't think I have ever cried like that, ever.

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