Part 6

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Lindsey didn't want to go. Kristen called the day before, saying, she wanted to talk, but he didn't want to see her. Did he have a choice? Not really. He doubted, he was going to like what she had to say.

It took Lindsey about an hour of nervous pacing around his property before he could get into his car. The absurd thing was, they lived minutes away from each other, he could have walked, but he was sure, he was going to want to drive around aimlessly for a while after he and Kristen talked.

There was only one thing Lindsey thought about as he approached the front door; should he knock or let himself in? Both choices seemed ridiculous, but that was his reality. Spinning his keys around a finger, Lindsey sighed and rang the bell. 

"Hi." Kristen opened the door a minute later, trying to smile, but Lindsey's face remained expressionless. 

"Hi." He nodded once and stepped inside. Hands in his jeans pockets, Lindsey looked around and listened for any sign of Stella. "Are we alone?"

"Yeah." Kristen stood, keeping her distance. "Would you like... can I get you anything?"

"No." Lindsey shook his head. "Let's just get to it." 

Lindsey would have gladly stayed by the front door, but Kristen insisted they take a seat. There was a big gap separating them, neither said a word for some time. Lindsey sat with his hands clasped together, waiting. She invited him, she had something to say, so he wasn't going to be the one to fill the uncomfortable silence. 

"How are you doing?" Kristen spoke up at last, Lindsey rolled his eyes. "Have you hired someone to clean the house, cook?"

"I'm a 71-year-old man, Kristen, I can take care of myself." He scoffed, his knee bouncing. "You didn't ask me to come so you could ask if I'm keeping the place tidy or if I'm eating well. Honestly, I'm very uncomfortable right now, so just please, spit it out."

"I, uh... okay." She nodded, swallowing uneasily. "Uh, I want to apologize, first of all, that I've dragged this out for so long. I needed time, I wanted to think everything through and be sure, be confident in my decision. It hasn't been easy, Lindsey."

"Right, it must have been extremely difficult for you, so you decided to go to Mexico for a vacation." He couldn't control his emotions, he couldn't hide the way he felt. "Some time to me sounds like a few weeks, Kristen, not months. I left in January, it's June now."

"I know and again, I am sorry." Kristen emphasized, laying a hand over her heart. "I swear, when you left, I thought we'd figure stuff out quickly and you'll be back, and everything will be back to normal, be okay again."

"Well, that didn't happen, did it?" Lindsey spat angrily.

"You're still wearing your wedding ring." She noted, when he began spinning it around his finger. 

"As far as I know, I'm still a married man." Not once had he turned to look at her, not until the next words came out of her mouth.

"I'm going to file for divorce." 


"I have thought about it, I've thought about everything and..." Kristen paused to take a deep breath. "It's... we're not working anymore."

"It took you twenty fucking years and three kids to figure that out?" Lindsey asked, raising his voice. "Tell me, is there someone else? Have you been having an affair behind my back to get back at me for all the shit I've done during our marriage?"

"There isn't." Kristen shook her head. "I'm just not happy anymore, Lindsey. We've been fighting constantly for a year, maybe even more. Sure, those arguments might not seem important, but everything adds up. I've come to a point where I just don't want to do this anymore."

"Fine." Lindsey stood up to leave and Kristen followed.

"I wanted to tell you first, I didn't want you to get blindsided. Lindsey, I am sorry!" She yelled out, when he didn't say anything.

"Save it." He held up a hand. "I don't want to hear it. You want me out of your life? Fine! It seems to be a trend nowadays." 


Thank you for your wonderful feedback! I'm sorry that we're 6 parts in and Stevie hasn't made an appearance yet, but I promise, she will in the next chapter.

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