Part 43

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Inhaling deeply, Stevie rubbed her eyes, then opened one slowly, focusing on Lindsey. "What's so funny this early in the morning?"

Lindsey glanced at her with a smile. "It's not early, it's almost 11 am." He said. "And to answer your question, it's funny what a couple of pictures can do."

"What do you mean?" She lazily moved over closer to him and lay her head on his shoulder, squinting to try and read whatever he was looking at on his phone. "Is that us?"

"Yeah." Lindsey nodded, bringing the phone closer for her to see. "Is Rock and Roll's rockiest relationship back on track?"

"Christ, is that the headline?" Stevie laughed, then yawned as she rolled onto her back to stretch. 

"It certainly seems so. The ex-lovers and bandmates were pictured together on Tuesday, leaving Buckingham's rehearsals for the upcoming tour in support of his new self-titled album."

"Who cares, anyway?" Stevie asked, cuddling Lily close, when her beloved pet came up from the foot of the bed. "It's our lives."

"Well, our lives haven't really been ours, since the first day we joined Fleetwood Mac." Lindsey shrugged. "Apparently, a lot of people do care, though. There are hundreds of comments and this is just one article."

"Hmm..." She smiled, cuddling up to him. "Imagine, what people are gonna be saying, when they find out that our rocky relationship has been officially not so rocky anymore for a whole month."

"Has it already been a month?" He put his phone away on the nightstand and wrapped his arm around her. 

"Isn't it crazy? And we haven't had one fight yet."


"Mixing up laundry baskets is not a fight, Linds. Especially, not where we're concerned." Stevie chuckled lightly, tilting her chin up.

He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger, then leaned in to press a kiss on the exact same spot. "You almost make it sound like you're the one, who has to sort it out before doing the washing."

"That's besides the point. You're in my house, you follow my rules." She smirked, then shrieked, when he flipped her onto her back and positioned himself between her legs. "Nuh-uh. I don't have the time."

"Yeah-uh." Lindsey nodded, his lips already nuzzling her neck. "You have all the time in the world."

"Not today. I'm meeting with Lori in less than two hours, I've got to get ready." It wasn't easy, trying to fight off his wander hands. "If you hadn't let me sleep so long, we could have arranged something."

Lifting his head up, he frowned. "Oh, so, making love to the man you love has to be arranged? I'm sorry that this is such a chore for you."

For a short moment, Stevie was worried. The expression on Lindsey's face was too serious to let her know, he was only joking. She was ready to apologize, when he pressed his lower half against her firmly and left a trail of open mouth kisses from her left shoulder down to her breasts then up to the other side.

"We can arrange something for tonight." Stevie smiled up at him apologetically, bringing his face down for a sweet, gentle kiss. "I've been spending all my time with you lately, I miss my friend."

Sighing heavily, Lindsey gave her another quick kiss and rolled off and onto his back. "I understand, it's okay." He said, resting his hand on her thigh. "I've got rehearsals at 3. Maybe, we could go out for dinner some place nice?" He suggested, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Is this a date?" 

"Maybe." He smiled, the fingers of his free hand lightly caressing her chest. "We have made it a full month. It's something worth celebrating, don't you think?"

Much to his surprise, she gave a nod of her head, cupping his cheek, she brushed her thumb over his stubble. "I do."

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