Part 27

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Eyes locked, his hold on her tightened, he pulled her in closer and pressed his lips softly to her forehead. He smiled somewhat sadly, seeing relief reflecting in her eyes. 

"If you think that I'm going to stay up until 8 am with you, you're mad." Lindsey pointed out, making her laugh.

"No, I wouldn't be able to either." Stevie said, laying her head on his chest again. "Being with you is emotionally draining, but I'm glad we're talking."

He couldn't disagree.  "I am, too. Who knows, maybe things would have turned out differently if we'd tried it before."

"When you said, you're afraid that something horrible is going to happen..." She wrapped her arm over his middle. "I won't let it. I'm not losing you again, you're not getting rid of me this time."

"I don't want to." Lindsey said, his hand had sneaked under the sleeve of the T-shirt she was wearing, his thumb lightly brushing over her skin. "I honestly didn't think you were going to stay."

"Well, I certainly didn't expect you to ask." She closed her eyes, when his hand moved and his fingers tangled in her hair. "That feels nice." 

"Yeah?" He felt her nod. "You're not going to start purring like a cat, are you?" Raising an eyebrow, Stevie looked up. "Because if you do, then I'm not going to be able to resist kissing your lips next time."

She turned on her front, her upper body almost fully resting over his. "I thought, you were going to kiss me."

"It scares you." He stated, it wasn't a question. "It scares me, too."

"You're not wrong."

"I know, I'm not wrong." He smirked and she rolled her eyes. His palm settled on her back, pushing her just a tad bit closer.

"It's been a long time since I've wanted someone to kiss me." She admitted, now draping her leg over one of his.

"So, I'm a fool for not doing that? A coward." 

She shrugged, playing with his chest hair. "Guess, we'll never know, what would have happened, huh." She locked their eyes again and grew quiet, awaiting his next move. 

Lindsey was torn inside. He wanted to, God, how badly he wanted to kiss her. However, they'd been there before. Flirting and teasing each other was fun, but she'd ran away from him, once he'd taken that step, too many times before. 

"Maybe, we should get some sleep." Stevie spoke up, when he failed to do so. 

Before she could pull away, his hand traveled up the length of her back and settled on her neck, the pad of his thumb traced her bottom lip. She gulped, opening her mouth only slightly. Their faces were inches apart and her warm breath tickled his skin. She began leaning in, but...

"Yeah, you're probably right." Lindsey said and she stopped, their noses were almost touching. "Or maybe, we shouldn't?" 

Lifting his head off the pillow, he captured her lips and she shut her eyes, moving higher up his body. Their lips still, they lingered for a moment, before she parted hers without him having to ask and moaned into his mouth, when his tongue brushed over hers, his hand on its journey down once again, it rested on the small of her back. 

For the first time in a very very long time, there was no need to rush. Their kiss was slow, as if they were making up for lost time. Their hands timidly explored. Her shirt rolled up and his hand slithered up. It felt surreal, they silently prayed that it wasn't just a dream. 

After a long while, she gradually brought them to a stop, pecking his lips a few more times before completely drawing back. "So, uh... I guess, this is goodnight."

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