Part 24

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"You can answer your phone, you know." Lindsey said, when Stevie ignored yet another call. 

"I know, but it's just Karen." She shrugged, letting it ring. "I told her, I'd stay for a couple of hours, so she wants to know, when she should come, pick me up."

"Tell her not to worry about it. I'll drive you home." He offered.

By now they had moved into Lindsey's studio. Stevie wore her usual cold shoulder top and it was beginning to get too chilly outside for her. She was always cold. Lindsey would have gladly warmed her up, but it didn't seem appropriate after what he had revealed earlier. 

While Stevie was talking to her assistant, Lindsey took the time to look at her while she was distracted. He was transported back in time, back to when he was ready to give up everything for her. He genuinely meant to do it, too. They seemed perfect together back then. He thought that nothing could go wrong again, he believed that they had it all figured out at last. To this day, a huge part of him regretted that he didn't do it. He had spent night after night imagining what their life would have been if he had taken that step. In every single scenario, they ended up happy. At the same time, he was glad, he stayed. He didn't have to put himself nor his family through ugly custody battles, he got to be there to see his children grow up. When he was much much younger, he thought they'd get to see their kids growing up - his and Stevie's. A lot of things hadn't gone to plan.

"What?" Lindsey asked, when he realized he'd been caught.

"You're staring." Stevie said, sitting on the same couch he'd been sleeping on most of the nights. "Do I have something on my face?"

He shook his head and smiled. "No, you just have a beautiful face."

"Stop it." She rolled her eyes and hugged her knees to her chest. "Mom said, it's okay for me to stay out later."

Lindsey laughed, picking up his acoustic, he placed it over his lap now needing a distraction himself. "It does feel like Karen's your mother most of the time. Gosh, I've received the dirtiest looks from her, when she'd catch me sneaking out of your hotel room."

"It comes from a good place." Stevie shrugged. "She just cares about me."

"I believe that." Lindsey nodded his head. "But it still doesn't change the fact she hates my guts."

"Play something for me." She asked, resting her chin on her knee. 

"What would you like to hear?" He responded with a question back, warming up his fingers. 

"Anything." She stretched out her legs on the couch and propped herself up on her elbow. He wasn't going to say it out loud, but he was glad that she felt comfortable around him.

After a few minutes of picking random chords, a melody came to Lindsey naturally. He didn't have to think about a certain song, he just started playing a very old, a very near and dear song to the both of them. Stevie didn't expect him to go so far back, when she recognized the beginning of Crystal

How the faces of love have changed turning the pagesAnd I have changed, oh, but you, you remain ageless

Those were the only lyrics he sang. While it sounded beautiful, Stevie was glad that he didn't do the whole song, otherwise, she would have been left in tears once again. However, the fact that Lindsey chose those two particular lines, spoke volumes to her as well. They didn't need to talk about that, though, they'd already had yet another difficult day together.

Then out of the blue, Lindsey said. "Stay with me tonight."

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