Part 34

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"Your bedroom hasn't changed for as long as I've known you." Lindsey said, sitting at the foot of the bed, while Stevie disappeared into the walk-in closet. "You've moved from one house to the other, but your bedroom is always the same."

"What do you mean?" Stevie asked, rummaging through boxes, looking for something in particular. 

"You only have the bedside lamp on, there are always candles burning as well as an incense stick." He leaned forward in his seat and clasped his hands. "It's comforting, it's familiar."

"The only thing missing is a mattress on the floor to really be our home, isn't it." She smiled, somewhat sadly, returning to the bedroom.

"What's that?" Lindsey showed to a seemingly heavy book in her hands. 

"I've found this journal recently, it's from a very long time ago." Stevie replied and slumped down beside him. "I had a good laugh, reading it, but it's also very sweet."

"And you're going to let me look at it?" He asked, rather surprised. She never let him do that.

"Some of it." She nodded, skipping through pages, some of them nearly falling out. "Listen to this." She took a deep breath and glanced at him, before she started reading her own entry. 

"I'm happy, but I'm also sad. I'm happy because I get to do what I love. I'm a part of a band and I really believe in us. I'm sad because Lindsey has a girlfriend." She paused and gave him another look, he smirked. "She's perfect. She's every guy's dream, but I feel nauseous every time she joins us and attaches herself to Lindsey, whispering something in his ear, he smiles every time. I 'd like to know, what she tells him that makes his gorgeous face light up. I want to be the one telling him those things."

Lindsey, clearly amused, cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, making her stop for a moment. "And everyone always tells me, I'm the jealous one."

"It gets better." Stevie grinned, she added. "And a lot more embarrassing." 

She turned a couple more pages. "I had another dream about Lindsey last night. He asked me out on a date. It felt surreal, even in a dream. Why would he ever like me? I'm short, I don't have large breasts, I suppose I have a good-" Stevie squinted, but she couldn't make out the word. 

"It's crossed out." She said.

"I bet it was meant to say, you have a great ass." Lindsey shrugged, leaning back on his hands, he crossed his feet at his ankles. "Which you do, always have."

Rolling her eyes, she continued. "I don't even think, I'm all that pretty. So, no, Lindsey would never ask me out on an actual date. I hate, how much I think about him, create absurd scenarios in my head of us having a fairytale ending. Besides, he has a girlfriend." 

She showed him the journal and pointed at 'girlfriend'. "Underlined."

"Three times." He added, chewing his bottom lip to keep himself from bursting out laughing. 

"He's constantly on my mind. It's getting so bad that I almost called my boyfriend another man's name, when we made love a couple of nights ago."

That did it. Lindsey fell on the bed and started laughing, hoping Stevie wasn't going to get offended. "My God, Steph. If I knew you had it bad for me, I would have left my girlfriend just like that." He emphasized, snapping his fingers. 

His laughter didn't seem to make her upset, she just turned to look at him and smiled sweetly. "Well, I wasn't going to say anything. If something happened between us, while we were still in Fritz, it would have caused a lot of problems within the band. Don't think the other guys didn't like me as well."

"Oh, I know they did." Lindsey nodded, propping himself up on his elbow. His free arm wrapped around her middle and pulled her down to lie next to him. "I would have gladly rubbed it in their faces."

"And we would have been out of the band right then and there." Stevie chuckled, turning on her side, she draped her leg over his. 

"We could have started working on our own music much sooner." He shrugged, cupping her cheek. 

"Would have, could have, should have..." She sighed, turning her head to press her lips to his palm. "Everything happens for a reason."

"How badly did you hate my girlfriend?" Lindsey asked, fighting back a grin, still quite hung up on it.

"With every fiber of my being." Stevie answered honestly. "But hey, she's not the one in bed with you right now, is she." She smiled, moving in closer to kiss his lip and straddle him at the same time.

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