Part 29

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Stevie wasn't used to being disturbed in her sleep anymore. Now that the whole world was in chaos, she had no place to be, no interview or photoshoot to do, no soundcheck for a concert to do. For a short moment, she thought, she was still dreaming, feeling a presence behind her. A lazy smile spread across her face, when Lindsey peppered her shoulder with small kisses. He'd always been an early riser.

"Feels like we've gone back in time." Stevie said, lacing her fingers through Lindsey's, their joined hands resting on her middle. 

"How far back? We're either in a wonderful place or a very dark one." He asked, titling his head up slightly to kiss her neck. 

"Well, if we slept together and remained in bed until morning..." She shrugged, brushing her thumb over the back of his hand. "I'd say, a wonderful place."

Lindsey smiled against her skin. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Stevie echoed and inhaled deeply, stretching, she arched her back and his hand fell on her hip. "Did last night actually happen?"

"I'm deeply hurt that you have to make sure."

She laughed lightly, then rolled onto her back, their faces were much closer than she'd expected. "If I were with anyone else, nothing would have happened."

"Okay, now I'm flattered." Lindsey leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. "I mean it."

"I do, too." Stevie nodded, cupping his cheek she looked at him. "I'd stopped caring about, you know..."

"Sex." He said, when she couldn't.

"Right." She rolled her eyes at the fact that he just had to spell it out. "I was no longer interested. I'm sure, I could have if I wanted to. You couldn't possibly imagine how many men I worked with at one time or another-"

"I get the idea." Lindsey interrupted, turning his head to kiss her palm, hoping to mask his jealousy. 

"They don't care that I'm old now. They don't care that I don't look like I used to. They don't care that I'm not that tiny, skin and bones girl anymore. They still-"

"I get it." He had to interject again. "Why are you so surprised, though? You're still hot." He shrugged and lowered himself down to give her a quick kiss. "Besides, have you forgotten that you're Stevie Nicks? You're going to attract a string of assholes until your last breath."

"Do I sense some jealousy?" She raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response.

"Does that surprise you?"

"I mean, yeah." She nodded, closing her eyes with a sigh, when his lips nuzzled the curve of her neck. "You're still fit and shockingly capable for a man your age. You could probably point at any girl, who's a fan, and she'd follow right after you."

Lindsey held himself up, his hands pressed into the mattress, giving her a look. "A man my age? I'll show you a man my age."

A loud squeal echoed around the room, when he tickled her ribcage and she tried to get away from him. He grinned, when she giggled, attempting to fight his eager hands, only to relent as soon as he managed to capture her lips, her arms went around him and kept him close.

"I love you." Lindsey said after a lengthy moment of making out. "And please, don't tell me that I can't say that. You might not want to hear it, especially not after last night, but I want you to. I want you to know, I love you."

A somewhat sad smile appeared on Stevie's face, she combed his messy curls with her fingers, just to give herself some time to respond. "You probably shouldn't say that." She nodded. "But I love you, too. I always have."

"After everything that we've been through, I want you to know, how important it is to me that we're here right now. For a while, I was convinced that you truly wanted me out of your life." He looked away, he'd be lying if he said, the thought didn't hurt him anymore.

"I thought, it'd be easier. I didn't want to constantly fight with you. But as soon as everything was said and done..." She grasped his chin with her fingers, asking him silently to focus on her. "I knew, I had made a terrible mistake. I felt embarrassed and ashamed, that's why it's taken me so long, Linds. It was never because I didn't love you. I've loved you since I was 17 years old."

Looking at her for a long moment, he then nodded his head, a hint of a smile on his lips. "I believe you."

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