Part 22

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Even though Lindsey had upset Stevie countless times over the years, he took it a lot harder, when someone else other than him upset her. He hated the sad look on her face as she stood with her eyes cast down to the floor, wringing her hands, lips sealed into a thin line. He didn't say anything either, instead he just walked up to her and pulled her against his chest. 

"You should have let me go." Stevie said, her voice muffled as it was hidden in the curve of his neck.

"I shouldn't have done anything I didn't want to do." Lindsey replied, running his hand up and down her back. 

"But she's your wife." Stevie argued weakly. 

"Soon to be ex-wife." He corrected.

"What if I wasn't here, what if she stayed and you talked? Don't you think that she came here to work things out?" She lifted her head up and looked at him. "Don't you think there's a chance of that happening?"

Lindsey sighed. "I believe that there's always hope." He told her honestly. "Like I said, if there's something for us to discuss, she can come back, once she's calmed down. She had no right to start yelling at me, especially not you." He drew back only slightly to cradle her face in the palms of his hands. "You don't have to feel guilty for being here, Stevie. I want you here. I'm glad that you are here."

A weak smile crossed her lips, hearing him say that. "She hates me, doesn't she?"

"Well, hate is a strong word, but..." He nodded. "She doesn't like you very much, no."

Stevie covered Lindsey's hands with her own and lowered them down, she took a step back. "Maybe, I should go after all."

"If you have to." He gave a shrug of his shoulders, he didn't mean that. "But I'm not asking you to leave."

"I don't even remember what we were talking about before." Stevie laughed lightly, shaking her head. 

"If we return to our seats, maybe it will come back?" He suggested, holding his hand out for her. 

They went back outside. The mood had definitely changed. Stevie had a lot on her mind, she had many questions she wanted to ask. The way Kristen reacted, made her think. Was she one of the reasons, why Lindsey's wife filed for divorce? Did she somehow come up in an argument and it was the last straw for Kristen? She wanted to know, but at the same time if it turned out to be true, she'd feel extremely guilty for ruining another family. Not just any either - Lindsey's. It was one thing, when they continued sleeping together, while he dated other woman. Mostly, it was just about the physical attraction to each other that had never truly gone away. Sure, the feelings were there, but they never spoke about it. This was different, though. He had been married for over twenty years, he was a father of three and even though it hurt her, Stevie often thought that Lindsey actually loved Kristen.

"What's going through your head?" Lindsey broke the silence after a while. 

"A lot of things." Stevie shrugged, looking into the distance. "Too many."

"Maybe I could ease your mind if you told me." He offered carefully. 

She turned to face him and he looked back at her, waiting. "I want to ask you something, but only if you answer me honestly."

"I can try." Lindsey replied, shifting in his seat. "I'll do my best." He promised, when she remained silent. 

"Maybe I'm just reading into it, but..." Stevie paused for a short moment. "Kristen asked you if you're going to choose me over her again. What did she mean by that, Lindsey? H-have you... chosen me at some point during the twenty years you'd been married?" The answer might be difficult to take, but she needed to know.

Lindsey exhaled heavily. It was his turn to stare straight ahead at nothing in particular.

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