Part 30

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"Don't just look at me." Lindsey looked down at Lily. The dog sat by the backdoor, head tilted, staring up at him. "I've opened the door, go, do your business."

While Stevie was taking a shower, Lindsey promised to let her dog out and feed the small creature. Good thing Stevie always carried a bag for Lily wherever she went, like a mother would carry around a bag for a baby. The sleepover was definitely not something they had planned on happening and she had no dog food with her, Lindsey was sure, he would have been in his car right now, headed to the closest pet store otherwise.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lindsey sighed, waving his hand around to convince Lily to move. "Should I feel guilty? Have I done something to upset you? Well, besides your mistress." Shaking his head, he stepped out into the backyard, calling the pet's name. 

After another few minutes of one sided dialogue, Lily obeyed. Lindsey waited outside, watching over the dog, knowing that if he'd lost her, Stevie would most certainly never speak to him again. Before Stevie went into the bathroom, he should have asked about portion size, he realized, when he grabbed the bag and a small bowl for Lily's breakfast. He filled it halfway and hoped it was neither too much or too little. 

A pair of arms wrapped around him from behind and Lindsey smiled. He turned and moved to stand beside Stevie, putting his arm around her shoulders, he pressed a kiss to her damp hair. "Your dog hates me."

"She doesn't hate you. You stole all of my love and affection from her last night, she's just jealous." Stevie shrugged. "You two are alike in that way."

"First, you compare me to your assistant and now your dog?" Lindsey gave her a pointed look, but she reached up to kiss his lips and he softened just like that. "You look great in this."

"What, in a towel?" She looked down at herself, then back up at him.

"Yeah, in as little clothes as possible." Lindsey smirked and moved away to put the kettle on. "I don't have any of the stuff you put in your coffee, like soy milk or whatever."

"It's fine. Black is fine." Stevie assured, tightening the knot she'd made of her towel, which seemingly loosened as soon as the two of them got closer to each other. "I can't wait to soak in a hot bubble bath, when I get home."

Lindsey's face fell, he was glad his back was turned to her. "You could do that here."

"Lindsey..." Stevie trailed off, instantly noticing he'd gotten tense. "I have to go home, you understand that, right?"

"Of course, I do." He replied, a bit sharper than he had intended to. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She said, approaching him again. "I'm not leaving forever." She promised him once more, pressing herself close to him.

"I guess, I just got a little carried away." Lindsey admitted, shrugging his shoulders. 

"It's hard not to." She smiled softly, turning him around. She unfolded his arms, which he'd crossed over his chest and circled them around her waist instead. "It doesn't mean that we have to stop whatever this is." She showed between them. "But we can't just... dive head first into anything either." She cradled his face in the palms of her hands, making sure he couldn't look away. "We've done that too many times before and it has never worked. We've tried solving our problems by jumping in to bed for far too long and it has never worked."

"I do understand." He emphasized, sighing heavily. "Just... Christ, I don't know." He cocked his head back and her hands fell from his face down on his chest. "I am willing to work on whatever this is." He repeated her words back to her. "Just as long as you come back."

"I swear." She smiled and stood on her tiptoes to give him a lingering kiss, before they got separated by Lily in desperate need of Stevie's attention.

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