Part 37

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"None for me, thanks." Lindsey said, entering the kitchen, seeing Stevie holding two glasses and bottle of wine on the counter.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't thinking." She gave him an apologetic smile, putting one glass away. "Did you enjoy your shower?"

"Not nearly as much as I would have if you were taking it with me." He shrugged, picking up the corkscrew to open the wine for her. 

Stevie chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "Linds, I think, you forget that we're not in our 20's anymore."

"Well, I can still fantasize about us, uh, taking a shower together." He smirked, pouring the red into the glass she was holding out. "Or lifting you up on one of these counters, or fucking you senseless against a wall."

She bit into her bottom lip and looked up with a far too innocent look in her eyes. "Or lifting me up on an amp backstage somewhere, right?"

"Oh, uh..." He smiled sheepishly. "You know, what performing does to me." He put the bottle away, but he remained standing, her body trapped between his and the counter. "And you looked smokin' hot in those... outfits, whatever they're called."

"We could have been caught so easily." Stevie took a sip and lowered the glass, tracing the rim with her finger. "On many occasions." She added. 

"Good thing Carol Ann wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed." Lindsey said, making her laugh. "I swear, I thought, she'd realize, what was going on, when I went to give you a talking to-" He used air quotes. "Came back like two hours later."

"Then I told her the next day, I broke out in hives." She chuckled, having another taste. "She was pretty dense, Linds. How on earth did you manage to stay with her for so long? What did you even talk about?"

"Well..." Lindsey scratched his chin, then gave a shrug, already looking apologetic. "We barely talked if I'm honest. Our relationship wasn't exactly deeply meaningful."

"I had several of those." She nodded. "You know what, though?"

"What?" He asked, watching as she put away her wine. 

"I would have smashed your head into a wall if you had married her." No humor in her voice or reflecting in her eyes. However, it didn't stop Lindsey from bursting out laughing. "I'm serious."

"I know, you are." He didn't argue. "But I never planned on marrying her. There wasn't even a real engagement. She was bitching about something, I didn't want to fight, I told her, I thought, we should get married." 

"Yeah and you didn't have to listen to her bitch anymore, but I and everyone else had to suffer through her telling this amazing, romantic proposal straight out of the movie." Stevie rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest. 

Lindsey smirked, it didn't happen very often, but Stevie did get jealous sometimes. He moved in closer and unfolded her arms, then circled his around her waist. "None of that happened, I didn't marry her. She's ancient history."

"Lucky for you." Stevie tried fighting back a smile, but she wasn't successful for long. "Mm, you smell good."

"I smell like a 16-year-old girl." Linsey gave her a pointed look. "Not a manly scent in sight."

"That should make you happy, though, right?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It does." He nodded. "Maybe, just for instances like this, I should bring over some of my body wash and shampoo."

"Smelling fruity or flowery doesn't make you any less of a man, Lindsey." She said, running her hands over his chest. 

"That's... not exactly what I'm saying here." 

"I know." She'd picked up on it right away. "Sure. If you want to." She shrugged. 

"An extra pair of jeans and a T-shirt perhaps?" He continued, clearly pushing his luck.

"One more item and you'll be out the door in your boxers." She smiled sweetly, standing on her tiptoes to press a gentle kiss to his lips.

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