Part 8

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Nothing was going his way. There was only one thing that Lindsey was excited about and it got overshadowed by the news of his divorce. He'd been waiting to announce his new album for a long time. He was proud to share some good news with his fans, who had been wanting for new music from him for years. He wondered if someone had put a curse on him, even though he didn't believe in that stuff. He was grateful for a lot of things that fame had brought him, but he absolutely hated his private life being put on display like that. It was between him and his wife, it was personal and he was having a hard time dealing with it. The last thing he needed was a string of people asking for a comment from him.

Once again, Lindsey tried to find peace in his studio. He played a little, but he didn't even feel like messing around on his guitar for too long. He rolled a joint, which did close to nothing in calming him down. He mostly just lay on the couch, feet crossed at the ankles, hands clasped on his middle, eyes up staring at the ceiling.

So much was going through Lindsey's mind that he nearly missed his phone ringing. He didn't want to answer, he didn't want to talk to anyone. Still, he looked at who was trying to reach him - Kristen. He put his phone away. A minute later, he heard the sound of a text message - Kristen. He sighed and unlocked his phone to read it.

'I'm really sorry that it got out today out of all days. I hope, you're doing okay. Call me back if you want to talk.'

Lindsey scoffed. He almost had to laugh. As if it wasn't her doing. Well, she might not have leaked the information, but she chose to file for divorce. She had to know that it was going to come out.

'Seriously, are you alright?'

Shaking his head, Lindsey put his phone screen down on his chest. Yes, it was her decision to make. She said, she was no longer happy and they were simply not working anymore. He understood that, but it didn't stop him from being angry. He was angry that in a few short years he was fired from the band, to which he had dedicated decades of his life. He was angry that he had a heartache and if he admitted it to himself, he was definitely not a hundred percent health-wise. He hated that his wife of twenty one years decided that she didn't love him anymore. Although, she said, she still did, it wasn't about love. Bullshit, Lindsey thought. He couldn't believe anything coming from her right now.

'I'm going to keep calling until you answer, Lindsey. I want to make sure that you're okay.'

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Lindsey took a deep breath. He didn't want to hear her voice, so instead, he typed a quick reply, assuring Kristen that he was just fine.

Finally, silence. Lindsey closed his eyes and tried to relax, hoping that the headache would go away without painkillers. He somehow managed to slow his mind down while doing some breathing exercises, which he'd never truly believed in either. For a short moment, he even thought that he might be able to fall asleep, until his phone pinged again.

"Oh my fucking God!" Lindsey yelled out, clenching his fists.

Another text message. A text message from Karen Johnston. He had no idea that he still had her number. Why on earth did he still have her number? The thing was, Lindsey knew, the message wasn't from Karen - it was from Stevie.

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