Part 46

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Stevie had gotten so used to waking up next to Lindsey every morning. He'd usually be up way before her, but he always stayed by her side until she woke up if he didn't have some place to be. As she now lay in bed, she heard his soft humming coming from the bathroom and she smiled. They had a flight to catch, however, and after tomorrow, she'd be on her way home, leaving him on tour. She didn't want to be apart, but she also didn't think it was safe for her to be out and about yet. She was going to miss him and she knew, sleepless nights awaited her. Although, it felt different this time. She wasn't scared, she knew, where they stood with each other. She knew that at the end of Lindsey's tour, he was coming back to her.

Reaching for her robe, Stevie put it on and went to the bathroom. Lindsey grinned, catching her reflection in the mirror. She chuckled, seeing his face covered in shaving cream, his curls still wet from the shower.

"Good morning." She wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed a kiss to his shoulder blade. 

"Good morning." Lindsey echoed, careful with the razor in his hand. 

"Just so you know, I'm going to be extra clingy today." Stevie said, running her hands up his stomach and over his chest. 

"Sounds wonderful." He placed his hand over hers, now was not the time to get distracted. "Did you wake up before the alarm?"

"Yeah." Stevie nodded, moving aside, she reached for her toothbrush. "I heard you in here."

"Sorry." Lindsey took a step to the left, so she could brush her teeth. "I woke up much earlier, too. Must be the excitement. And the nerves."

"Oh, you're nervous?" She found it endearing. So many years of performing and he still worried right up until the moment he stepped out on the stage.

"I haven't played in front of a crowd in years. It's a lot of different emotions mixed up into one." He nodded, putting away his razor, he bent down to wash his face. He learned his lesson fast after the first time she saw tiny spots he'd left all over the mirror. "Are you doing okay?"

"What do you mean?" Stevie asked, rinsing her mouth, she splashed some water on her face. 

"Well..." He shrugged. "The whole being apart thing." Now he moved to stand behind her, his hands settled on her hips. "I miss you already."

"That's sweet." She smiled, turning around, she palmed his cheek. "I'm fine."

He looked down at her parted robe and bit into his bottom lip, inhaling sharply. "I've got to memorize every single curve of your body."

"I think, you know my body pretty well." She chuckled, when he eased the robe off her shoulders. "You should have done it last night, it's not as pretty, when the lights are on." 

Rolling his eyes, he grabbed her by the hand and walked them back into the bedroom. "You've never not been gorgeous." He said, making her sit down on the bed. 

"You say that now." Stevie shrugged, looking up at him. "You'll forget all about me, once a pretty young thing in the first row catches your eye."

"Ha! they've got nothing on you." Lindsey promised, pushing at her shoulders gently so she lay down. "I've only got eyes for you."

She scooted up to the headboard, when he got onto the bed as well and followed her on all fours. "You're a mad man, then."

"Mhm, madly in love with you." He nodded, capturing her lips. 

Her arms locked around his neck, while he lay in between her legs and his hand slid up her thigh. He parted their lips and began kissing down her neck. She let out a giggle, when he caught the strap of her nightgown with his teeth and lowered it down her shoulder. He tugged at the material and revealed her chest, wasting no time to shower it with his attention. Her back arched, when his mouth closed around a nipple, his tongue swirled around it and she sighed, her fingers in his hair, keeping him pressed close. He pulled back with an exaggerated pop, then kissed his way to the other side. With her eyes closed, she felt his lips moving down the middle of her stomach and while she knew, she would have loved whatever he had in mind, it wasn't what she wanted right now. 

"Come back here." She asked, placing her hands on his shoulders to catch his attention. "I want to make love to you. I want you close."

He kissed and caressed his way up her body until his lips settled on hers once more...

"If I had one of those heart monitoring things attached to me right now, I'd have a lot of explaining to do to my doctor." Lindsey said, when they lay in a sweaty mess of tangled limbs.

"Yeah, because he wouldn't believe that you're still having sex at your age." Stevie chuckled, drawing an invisible pattern on his skin with her freshly manicured nails. "I'm still convinced that you're hiding a bottle of pills somewhere."

"As if I could hide anything from you." He took her wandering hand and pressed kiss to each knuckle. "We've got to get ready. We're leaving soon." He sighed, not wanting to get up.

"It sucks." She pouted, not wanting to let him go. "I miss you already, too." She replied to what he'd said earlier. She wanted him to know that he matter to her just as much.

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