Part 13

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Lindsey didn't get very much sleep last night. He and Stevie agreed to meet the following afternoon and he got extremely nervous the second she said, yes, to his question. In theory, this was absolutely what he wanted, but in reality things could go terribly wrong as soon as they were standing in front of each other again. They seemed fine while talking to each other every other night, but it was just that; telling each other about their day, what song one of them heard and liked, what TV show they were currently watching. They hadn't touched upon anything serious yet and it was bound to start coming out once they got reunited for real. Knowing Stevie for as long as he had, Lindsey had seen all sides of her. He couldn't possibly guess, what he was going to get; she might be glad to finally see him again, she might cry, he might cry, they might start yelling at each other. However, Lindsey had decided that no matter what happened, this was important for them.

With a cup of coffee in hand, Lindsey walked out into the backyard to enjoy it in the warm morning sun. It wasn't even 10 am yet, so he had a lot of time ahead of him. He had to come up with something to occupy himself with, otherwise, he was going to go mad. His heartrate was already higher than it was supposed to be and all he did was think of seeing Stevie. He wondered if she was as nervous, too. Probably not, she's still asleep, he smiled to himself. He wished Karen wouldn't hang around the house, when he eventually went there. That woman had hated him since the first time they met. He tried to prove to himself that she was just protective of Stevie, but that probably wasn't entirely true. 

At around 11 am, Lindsey made himself scrambled eggs for breakfast. He ate them almost every morning and it wasn't because he was a huge fan, but because it was easy enough to make and nothing usually went wrong. He took only a couple of bites, though, mainly because he had to take his medicine. 

Just past 12, Lindsey went to take a shower. He shaved as well, although, Stevie had always loved him with a stubble. He just wanted to look clean, fresh, like he hadn't spent the past several months in his studio in sweats and stained T-shirts. He sprayed some cologne on, which he'd been using for as long as he could remember. One whiff used to be what usually tipped Stevie over the edge of doubt and they'd be running to one of their dressing or hotel rooms. Funny, how Kristen had always hated the scent. 

It was nearing half past 1, when Lindsey decided on another cup of coffee. He was anxious enough and coffee was definitely not going to help, but he couldn't do much else. He drank it in small sips, trying to make himself believe that he was enjoying it.

Once the clock showed that it was after 2, Lindsey took a deep breath and picked up his car keys. He got in behind the wheel and pulled out of the driveway. He wished, the drive was longer, but before he knew it, he was at the gates of Stevie's mansion. He thought, his heart was going to pound out of his chest, when he pulled in and slowly came to a stop. He didn't see any other cars, so he was hopeful, they were going to be alone.

Lindsey had only seen the inside of Stevie's house a handful of times. Even when they were doing better than ever in the early 2010's. She could stand in front of tens of thousands of people and tell them stories of what her most beautiful love songs were about, but once she walked off the stage, she was an extremely private person. They used to talk on the phone, she used to write him letters, but he very rarely got invited to see her at her home.

"This is it." Lindsey told himself, walking up to the front door. Whatever happens, happens, he thought and stretched out his arm to ring the doorbell.

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