Part 47

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Stevie stared out the window, the scenery quickly passing by. Lindsey sat right beside her in the backseat of a black SUV, her hand in his. He squeezed it to catch her attention and she turned to face him with a smile. 

"What's going through your mind?"

"Just..." She shrugged. "I'm excited for you, but I don't want to say goodbye. I guess, I'm just a little emotional."

"I'm not going to repeat myself, but you know, you're welcome to come for a visit anytime if you feel like it." He hugged her around the shoulders and pulled her in closer. 

"We'll see." 

Lindsey could tell that Stevie was struggling with their inevitable separation. However, she had already opened up to him about it more than she would ever have before, so he wasn't going to push her to talk about it either. They remained silent for the reminder of the drive to the venue, savoring every last minute they had together. 

There were people gathered outside already, the ones, who had the opportunity to attend the soundcheck as well as the concert. The car drove by the small group and for a second Stevie regretted her decision of pulling out of the several festivals she was meant to appear at. She quickly reminded herself that that was the right thing to do. Lindsey sensed it, he could read her as well as she could read him. He didn't say anything, he just gave her a kiss and held her for a moment tighter, before they had to get out of the car.

Stevie did her best to step aside. This was about Lindsey and she was genuinely happy for him, she was so very proud of him, too. However, it wasn't that easy, when everybody knew her, when everybody wanted just a few minutes of her time. Lindsey didn't seem bothered by it, he was glad that they didn't have to hide anymore. He was happy that he could keep his arm around her, kiss her, whisper something for her ears only and not be questioned for it. 

"It's been a while since the last time I was in a dressing room." Stevie said, once they walked in. "I should have at least brought some incense with me. I feel like I'm in a hospital room."

Lindsey laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, we won't be spending too much time in here. I've got soundcheck soon."

"When is Leelee coming?" She asked, sitting down on the uncomfortable couch.

"Right before the show. She and Ben wanted to walk around the city." Lindsey explained, opening his suitcase for a change of clothes.

Stevie shook her head, watching as he took out the same outfit he was currently wearing. "You know, you looked exceptional in that grey suit you wore during the Unleashed tour."

"Yeah? You liked it?"

"Hell yes!" She gave a nod, her eyes fixed on him while he changed shirts. "You've always looked great in suits. But no eyeliner, please." She teased. 

"God, never again!" Lindsey laughed, running a hand through his curls to tame them down. 

A knock on the door soon interrupted them. Lindsey had to leave for the soundcheck, Stevie decided to wait for him in the dressing room. She didn't want people to whisper about her being there, she wanted everyone's eyes on him. After a quick kiss, then a couple more pecks on the lips, he was out the door and she was by herself. 

The soundcheck wasn't going to take long, but Stevie had already started getting bored. Possibly for the first time ever she didn't even have her beloved dog with her. Karen wasn't there either nor were her closest friends, who would usually hang around in her dressing room before her own shows. However, she wasn't left alone for too long. The door opened and she smiled at Lindsey's assistant, before her smile faded, when his daughter came into view. She didn't quite know what to say or how to greet the young woman in front of her, for whom she used to buy the most extravagant birthday presents, who used to come running towards her, hug her close and ask her to try on a pair of boots or wrap around one of her shawls. She loved Lindsey's kids as if they were her own, but she didn't know if they still loved her.

"Hi." Leelee was the first one to speak up.

Stevie stood up from her seat, trying to seem a lot more confident than she actually was. "Hello."

"It's really good to see you." A smile crossed Leelee's face and she went over to Stevie to give her a hug. "I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Ben."

"Hi, Ben." Stevie held out her hand for the young gentlemen, who looked quite start struck. "You take good care of this girl, okay?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Ben nodded, swallowing uneasily as he took a step back.

Lindsey returned shortly, too. After another round of greetings, they sat down to catch up. Lindsey didn't even think, when his arm naturally wrapped around Stevie and she leaned into him, while listening to a story Leelee was telling. She didn't notice it either, not until she saw her father press a kiss to Stevie's cheek. She paused for a second, then smiled and continued on with her story.

"We're going to find our seats." Leelee said, her hand slipped into Ben's. "Have a great show, Dad!"

"See you out there, kid." Lindsey nodded and let out a deep breath, once the door closed. "Now I'm seriously nervous."

"You have no reason to be." Stevie assured him, circling her arms around his waist. "You're amazing."

"Walk with me?" He asked. "To the stage." 

"Okay." She smiled and laced her fingers through his.

It was so important to Lindsey that Stevie was there to support him on the opening night of the tour. Even though he had tried telling her that countless times before, he wasn't sure if he was successful enough putting it into words. Their solo careers had always been a touchy subject, however, seemingly not anymore and he felt extremely grateful to have her by his side. 

"Show 'em, how it's done." Stevie said as they stood in the wings. "I love you."

"I love you." Lindsey grinned, pulling her in for a kiss, which should have been left for the privacy of their bedroom. 

It didn't feel like Lindsey hadn't performed for years. The second he stepped out onto the stage to thunderous applause, Stevie felt tears brimming her eyes. She felt so proud of him and so in love with him. She didn't wish to be out there alongside him, she was completely content watching him put on a fantastic show all on his own. She'd always loved his solo work, she wished, she told him that more often. He deserved recognition for his immense talent and by the sound of cheering fans, she believed, he might finally be getting it.

Somewhere halfway through the show, Stevie watched as Lindsey approached his band, whispering something to each member quickly, before he stepped up to the mic again. With a slightly raised eyebrow, she waited for what he was about to do next. 

"The past couple of years haven't been easy for me." Lindsey addressed the audience. "I've experienced more downs than ups, but, uh..." He paused to catch his breath after the previous song. "I believe that things always happen for a reason. Sometimes, it takes a long time to get to where you're going, but I've never given up hope." He glanced at the left side of the stage, exactly where Stevie stood. "I've never given up hope even if I thought all hope was lost. Life tends to throw a lot at you and sometimes when you think it's all over, don't stop believe that it isn't." He smiled, looking towards her again. "I've just talked to the guys-" He showed to his band. "And I'm going to go off course for a couple of minutes. This is a song from a very long time ago. Actually, it has some of the best two-part harmonies, however, tonight it's just going to be me." Their eyes met once more. "This is for you, I love you."

In my lifeThere's been a few things worth singing'Bout youWell, I never even dreamedThat I'd know youStrange are the waysOf a very complicated world

And there you are 




This has been one of my favorite stories to write. Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback ♥

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