A.K.A Me

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She sat their for a while, me holding her, comforting her, helping her but still not knowing what had happened.
"What's up?" I bravely say, as she had slowly stopped crying.
"Nothing," she replied in a moan. Still trying to recover from her cry. As she did so she tucked her head deeper in to my chest.
It had to be something really bad to get her this upset.
"Please tell me, don't worry."I stroked her hair softly.
"Tom," she softly replied. I still couldn't quite understand what that dick had to do with it.
She started to trace her arm again.
"It was our ... our" she took a breath,"song. I know it's silly but it just brought back memories; happy ones and bad ones."
I embrace her into a hug and whispered a sorry into her ear.
"It's not your fault," she whispered back, as she staggered up and wiped the last of her tears away. "How could you of known." She smiled, making butterflies appear in my stomach.
Joe's head popped up from out side of the door and told us that I was done recording. I grasped her hands and pulled her along with me outside.
"Should we go get dinner instead?" She asked.
"Yes. I know a great little restaurant in Covent Garden." We then hopped into the car and drove to the restaurant.
We had a great dinner although costly, but she was a girl I was willing to treat.

*the next day*

I wanted to know more and to protect Cecilia from Tom, so I decided to meet him, just for a brief she is mine now moment.
The night before at the restaurant, When ceci went to the toilet. I went through her phone which she had left on the table. I found his number and saved it into mine before quickly closing the app and locking the phone.

It was now about 10 in the morning at which I decided to call Tom. he picks up obviously not knowing who I am. There is noise in the background of shuffling and giggling which sounded like a girl.
"Hello," he said down the phone
"Hello it's Brad," I replied not planning what I was going to say
"Are you that c**** that took my girlfriend away from me. You piece of shit."
"Do you want to meet up"
"Erm. What do you think dick"
"Well I just thought you should know what happened to Cecelia"
"What what has happened.shit. Shit" Tom seemed worried like he still cared for her. I mean he was the one who was dumped after all.
"Meet me in costa in the village in an hour"
"Ok meet you there."
Cecilias PoV
I woke up at just gone ten to an empty house. The previous night was great. Although I had a small cry, the time at the restaurant was the best bit.
I returned to my phone to find a surprise. Tom was texting me and calling me, he even left a voicemail.

"How are you"
"I want to know"
"I love you C"
"Please say it back"
"I know deep down you doo"
Were some of the messages. And the voice mail was worst. He had obviously been drunk whilst deciding to call me. At Once he called me a slut but then said I was perfect.
I decided to call him, to give him a chance to explain his self. I went in to contact to find his number but it was already on the page. That was strange. I hand not been on his contact for a week or two but didn't want to delete as I couldn't bring me self too. After a few attempts of ringing and hanging straight back up. I finally went for it.
"Hello Tom," I said sturnly.
"Hello ex. You ruined my life."
I heard someone in the background, giggling but it faded out as I heard his heavy footsteps move and a door creaking shut.
"Do you want to explain."
"Yep. Sorry for the voice mail. I was drunk, I am busy at the moment bye"
"Hello hello" I realised he had hang up on me.

I decided to text Brad to see if he wanted to watch a film but I got a reply saying he was busy.

James PoV

"So you want us to stay here to back you up, so you can make Tom jealous of you and Cecelia?" I was very confused but then again I am a man and I understand our competitive nature when it comes to girls.

Suddenly, the bell on the door chimes prompting us to look over to see tom in the door way. I think I am the only one who noticed the sudden curl of brads fists. The tension between these two was so thick.

We all watched him sit down, just looking at him makes me feel sick and knowing all the trouble he's caused between brad and Cecelia was even worse.

After a few seconds of silence, tom finally decided to speak up.

"So, what happened to Cecelia? Where is she now? What have you done?" He was firing questions at brad so quickly that I lost track of the first one he asked.

"Nothing" brad said " I just wanted to see the difference between a good boyfriend, aka me, and a shit one like you," the smirk on brads face was undeniably the biggest I have ever seen it.

" what are you talking about? I was a great boyfriend until you you little fucker came along! You caused all this shit between me and Cecelia. How does that make you any better?" Brad just smiled. Then he laughed, suddenly he leaned in close and whispered "I think the prove is that Cecelia chose me over you" this spiked anger in tom causing him to stand up really quickly and Connor to hold him back.

Once that had all settled, brad went back to showing off his achievements in winning Cecelia in front of tom.

However, tom was more insulted by the fact that brad said he was a bad boyfriend than that of brad winning Cecelia. Strange, don't you think?

Focussing back on the confrontation, I tuned in just in time to hear the last of toms words. "You know what, have her. She wasted my life for two years. She was such a pain. Having said that, I loved her. She was my everything and I'm not going to get over her just like that but you know what, it doesn't concern you anyway. My past relationship with Cecelia is between me and her not you and it never will be." Just like that he turned to walk away leaving me and the boys stunned.

Just as I was about to speak, tom turned around and spoke."ohhh and by the way brad, no matter how long your relationship with Cecelia last for, I will always be her first love and there is nothing you can do about it!" It was now his turn to do the smirking causing brad to twitch.

Once he left the cafe, we were silent for a few minutes. It was defending to say the least which made me want to break it.
" so... That went well I think."

Meeting Brad at the cafe made me so angry. How dare he worry me like that, telling me something is wrong with Cecelia. He knows that I still have feelings for her.

She was my first true love, someone I would never forget. But no I was stupid enough to get drunk which caused her to dump me.

I now have a girlfriend, a new one.

One who, at times, I pretend is Cecelia but she doesn't know that. I can't help it, it just happens that way. Although I like her, she is not Cecelia but close enough. Unlike Cecelia, she is not innocent, but she knows what I like and how I like it.

However, I miss Cecelia so much but I had to hide this in front of Brad. He must never know how I truly feel as he'll use it against me; I can't be the weaker one.

For days now, I have listened to our song on repeat. The song that we danced to at prom, the song that brought back so many memories. The good and the bad, including the reason why she traces her scar on her arm. Brad does not even know what it is. He does not know her like I do. When he breaks her heart, she will run to me, saying sorry for her mistake. I know it but does she?

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Where stories live. Discover now