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Cecilia PoV

I have been walking for what seems like hours however the night sky does not seem to be getting any lighter.

Standing there, a park in front of me, I was wondering if this was the right way to my house.

My drunken mind was certain it was the right way, as i saw a sign saying 'waterfall park' which is the second one nearest to my home.

Alas, the park looked strange at night. The park looked dark with the trees arched, twisting into one another.

My intoxicated mind was finding it was hard to distinguish if this was the way. I finally decided it was the righteous way. But which I would soon later regret.

As I entered the park, I kept to the path as i walked long a serpentine path. Their was only a few lamps down this path, counting about 4 that i could see in the far distance before they ran out into the low set fog, whitening my view.

Soon i lost my surroundings. Looking around only the most could be seen with the shadows of the intertwining trees amongst the Fog.

There should have been a gate out of the other side of the park by now. i have now been walking for about what I thought was an hour in this park. I didn't know where i was, how to get home or how to even get out of this park.

I started to panic and heavy breathing. Quickly my normal breath rate started to rapidly increase.

My lungs became strained and I could only breath quickly and shallowly. With hardly any oxygen getting to my cells, I had to sit down on the damp floor.

I sat there for ages, trying to to control my breathing. Rocking my self forward and back to try and think my way out of my present situation.

I managed to recover from my minor panic attack. Which was the first I had had in ages.

I pulled my self back up, and started to think of a solution, which only failed.

My eyes start to water as i approached a bench. My mind could not comprehend what to do. Why the hell did I drink so much. I started to questions myself and my morals. Negatively labelling myself, cursing my actions.

I was about to sit on the small bench in a near distance; However luck was not on my side as this bench was occupied by another person.

A dark hunched figure was perched on the bench with a bottle of liquor in their hand.

The lamp post a few meters away help to make out that the figure was a man.

He wore a beanie hat and a pair of nike trainers. with a grey shell tracksuit which had me trembling with fright immediately.

I decided to move away from the bench before the man could notice me. With no such luck, my sudden movement caught his eye.

He just sat there. Studying me. I increased my pace as his wondering eyes were scaring me by following my every current move.

I was now walking past the bench and I had a quick glance at the drunken man.

"Cecilia!" The man shouted as I was now running bare foot against the floor. Sprinting away from the now what familiar voice.

Shit. That's sounds like Tom. I looked behind me with the lamp shedding light on the man. Who was Tom.

He was staggering after me. Shit shit shit. What was I going to do? All I could think to do was to run.

Thoughts started to rush through my head. What was I going to do? What have I done?

My eyes started to water as the wind was whipping against my skin. My fitness wasn't the best however with the adrenaline running through my body, I managed to keep my pace up. But as I cried, my breaths were becoming shorter making it harder to run. I was soon gasping for breathe but only by forced could I carry on.

His pace had only increase while mine was slowly decreasing.

'He was always better at Pe than I was. He always did better by a few percent in our GCSE exams.

Wait this is not the time to be thinking about him Cecilia. Fix up and run!' I thought to my self, angry that I was not focusing on the current task.

I ran and ran, until I came across a black tall fence and a gate in front of me.

"Finally a way out. Yes!" I screamed in my head.

"Cecilia wait. Look what you have turned me into." He shouted behind me gasping for breath himself, "You leaving me has reversed me. Help me please. We could be togethere. Try it again."

I turned around touched by his words. He was closer to me than I first thought. I had stopped running now. I just stood there watching him coming nearer and nearer to me.

He slowed down and was right before me.

I started to stare at him and he did the same to me. He looked like he was drunk out of his mine. In a worst of state then I have ever seen him. His eyes watering.

"I'm sorry" he dropped to his knees. I wasn't sure if it was to beg or that he could no longer keep him self stable on his own two feet.

"Cecilia!" Some one shouted in the direction of the gate. I turned round to find Brad's car. "Is that you?" He continues to shout towards me.

"Yes" I shout back. Tom still on the floor.

"Get in the car for me Ceci" he shouts in desperation.

I turned to Tom.

"I'm sorry C. I really am...." he begs me on the cold hearted floor.

"I can't, we can't..."i say slowly backing away towards the car which is about 30 meters away.

He tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

"I should be sorry Tom." I say in a moment of a soberness mind. I crouch down and gently plant a kiss on his fore head. the moment did not last but I hoped it would of though.

"I'm not sure if this is goodbyes forever but I will see you around .......Tom." I had finished and with that I turned running towards the car. tears streaming down my face. I could feel the makeup running down from my eyes.

I did not dare to look back as there was a chance I would feel regret.

I ran up to Brad who was now out side the car of which was parked up on the street side.

I collided into his open arms which tightly squeeze me tight. I lay my head on his should as he whispered helpful phases to try to calm me down.

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