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So sorry for the late update and the spelling. But don't hate and enjoy xxx

He had led me to a nicely laid out picnic scene over looking a beautiful country house on a hill. A long green path had been cleared so that the statue 10 meters behind us was inline with the house.

The most important detail was the coloured lanterns which filled the space around the checkered blanket. It was just stunning. A hamper lay on the black blanket which looked like it was filled with food.

I instantly hugged him with a tight grip. It was beautiful, he was beautiful, we were beautiful.

We sat down and I set up our food from the hamper as he laid out the cutlery on little trays and porcelain plates.

To top it of, we each had a plastic glass filled with fizzy elderflower drink; my favourite.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Evie knows these things," he softly spoke back. Obviously he had spoken to Evie before hand about my favourite things, therefore I wasn't surprised about the food in the hamper.

"I made the sandwiches but the rest was brought. Sorry" he said as I looked at the small selections of little triangle sandwiches.
I picked the ham and cucumber one and places it in my mouth. While he chose the egg sandwich.

We made small talk where he was just generally getting to know more about me and my life. I told him everything, but one detail I left out.
Only Tom would ever know that. Only he will truly know what my scar was for.

He talked to me about school, he seemed intrigued but I wasn't quite sure if he had stayed on for a levels.

I politely asked and all he answered with was "er... it's very complicated...i don't want to talk about it."

So then the conversion went on to the topic of music; a topic that I have expressed my love for. This topic seemed to mean the most to us as I am a composer and he a singer song writer. He agreed with many of my favourite bands including fall out boy and Union j.

As the conversation drifted on and we had finished the deserts, we ended up laying on the blanket with another one on top as the height of the hill caused a cold breeze.

He put his arm around my neck, pulling me in towards his body. I smelt the scent of the amazing aftershave he wore and cuddled into his muscular body.

I loved being with him. The world slowed down when I was with him. I treasured the moment as the stars started to appear in the night sky.

We just laid there,still, staring at the stars. We made small talk but after a while, we were silent; enjoying each other's company until I started to drift off to sleep.

Brad PoV

It was starting to get late. The stars where brightly shining down. I turned to her but noticed see had fallen asleep. I looked at my watch to see that I had 20 minutes to get her home. Her mum would go mad if she was late.

"Come on now. Wakey wakey ceci." I gentle sounded as I softly shook her body.
"Sorry its time to go." I said with deep sadness. We had so much in common which made me want her more and more.
She stumbled to her feet and began to help me tidy up the picnic.

I carried everything to the car but still had a spare hand which she slid hers into.
We stopped at the car and I searched for the keys before opening the door for her to hop in to the passenger seat.

I just turned the ignition on when I felt her hand softly pull my face to hers connecting our lips. She sets me on fire just by the slightest of touch.

This was better than any other kiss I have had from anyone excluding my first love, the heart breaker of my high school past. The beautiful name that I cannot bid my self to say aloud nor in my head.

With the thought of her in my mind, I pulled away leaving a confused Cecilia left in her seat.

"Let's get you home," I spoke over the silence which had now fallen.

"Sorry" she muttered to me and turned her face away to look out the window beside her.

"It's me" I tried to explain but all I received was silence. After a silent and long drive, we finally arrived at her house.

I turned to speak with her to then realise she was already out the car making her way to her front door. I watched her leave without so much as a goodbye before driving to find a motel for the night. I could not let the boys see me like this.

I don't know how far I had gone before running low on petrol and having to fill up. The further I drove, the more the past was coming back to me, the hurt, love and anger.

Emotions that led to tears spilling down my face not knowing if they were ever going to end. With every memory, more tears fell.

I could do nothing but sit here and cry over the past that I so hoped had been long forgotten, but was really a never ending memory on repeat in the back of my mind.

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Where stories live. Discover now