Ding dong!

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*week later*
I had denied a party Evie had invited me to sit here and wait.
Brad was going to be here any minute. He hadn't told me what we were doing but it didn't matter as long as it was fun.
I got ready fairly quickly. I wore short light blue coloured denim shorts with a chevron material floaty top which was not quite a belly top but finished passed my jelly button.
Over recent time, with the spare time I have had; I have managed to perfect my makeup skills with my mum so excited that she bought me some new body shop brushes. She was always into the makeup, fashion, fitness and hairstyle side to me. Always pushing me to make an effort for school in ks4. Almost wanting me to have a guy and gain relationship experience but never the sexual side though. I was far to young in her eyes to do anything like that but I surprise that is the same with most other parents anyways.
My makeup was not to dressy with a light eyeshadow, light eyeliner in black and pink lips with my statement lipstick as red didn't really go with me and my face.
I was sitting on the carpeted stairs by the window to the side of the house. I sat with my earphones playing on low some vamps song. (Although I am about to go on a date with one, it still won't stop me listening to them)
I lightly traced the scar I had made, reminding me of the past, that event in my life which I must be reminded of. I did this as I needed to remember before I was about start a fresh just about. It was a new boy I could make my life work with out the problems.

Ding dong! The doorbell went off, making me freeze. Bad move my mum ran to the door to open it. She had be suspicious lately 'cause all of a sudden I have been keeping my life a secret almost since the summer time ball.

"You must me...Mrs Zelinger right" Brad said on the spot. My mum welcomed him and he obliged.
"Sorry" I mimed to him as I came down and his hand slipped into mine. "Do we have time for this,"i whispered just below his ear, as I didn't want my mother to ruin anything he had planned.
"No, don't worry, I have it under-control," he whispered back as my mum guided him in to the living space of our open planned kitchen.
"Do you want a drink, Brad. It is Brad isn't it." my mother spoke with uncertainty as I had been fairly vague with her.
"No thank you." he politely said and she sat down opposite us. I felt like I was going to be interrogated, especially one arm around my waist.
"So where are you taking my daughter?" She asked and with an instant reply of a sarcastic joke or pure cheese. "If I were to tell you I would have to kill you." he chucked to her. She found it amusing a chuckled a bit too.
"No really it's a secret, but I can assure your daughter with be safe with me and I will drop her off by Ten at the latest." He said as he may have felt my disapproval of his attempt of a joke.
She smiled at me and him, and kindly said "I trust you Brad, I am not as mean as she may make me out to be."

"Well we might be late if we don't get going but it was lovely to finally be introduced." Brad remarked pulling me up from the sofa.
"Let me get my bag." I quickly said and ran up to me room and down but just before I came down the stairs I heard my mother's faint voice.
"Please be better Brad. Tom was not good for her. I hope you know that. I may know your dad but I didn't know it would end up like this. She needs someone like you." I decided to walk down to interrupt but I think they heard my heavy heeled feet plod down the stairs in my white leather converse.
He came out of the kitchen and joined me at the bottom of the stairs with my mum shortly following.
We where waved out the house and got into the car.
"What was you talking out about when I went to get my bag. Brad." I questioned him with my Mother talking to him fresh in my mind bring about many questions like. How the hell does my mum know Brads dad.
"Oh nothing she was just telling me to 'make sure I look after to'" he said in quotation marks. "Which I will." he smiled bit giving my the answer I wanted and drove on. I still didn't know where I was going and with the background of the radio and the small talk no clues came about. We drove for about twenty minutes till arriving at a park was which had a very flowery entrance.
"Cheesy romance Brad."i said looking at him making him smirk.
"Don't flaw it until you have see it properly." he cheerfully said as he guided me out of the car which he had parked in the middle of the park. It was more like a country park where it didn't have a park and stuff. It was more of a fields of wild grass, hills, trees forest like clusters. It was beautiful in the sunlight. It was the evening but the sun was still out. I was told to leave my bag in the car and we walked, hand in hand for few minute and turns a corner to a very romantic film like scene. I lent more into Brad as we walked towards it looking up at him smiling with him looking at me smiling to.
Tom had never done anything like this for me but I looked at my scar and reminded my self this was a fresh start.

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Where stories live. Discover now