The birthday

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'Wake up Cecilia, your 17 now! Come on, get up!' My dad shakes me a wake from my ideal dream, of meeting the vamps of course. Which will never happen but a girl can dream, can't they. 

'Ok, ok!' I whisper, as I rub my eyes awake and try to jump out of bed, but fail; falling back down onto the bed looking like a wreck. 

By the time I get up and waddle downstairs into my parents room, I am passed a cup of hot chocolate in my hand and sat on the bed.  

Frazer startslapping me in the face with his card. I put the mug on the bed side table next to me. My eyes are actually starting to work now properly but my mind is still starting up. 

My dad comes into the room with two cards. One  was a dark pink envelope and the other gold; like you see on the TV shows that announce winners. I'm eyes lit up as he walked closer to me and mum starts to show a smug grin on her face which I catch in the corner of my eye.  

'Here you go, this one is from Isabel and Frazer,' my dad said while handing the pink card to me.  

A soon as my hands grab hold of the card. I slip my nail into a gap in the corner of the envelope and rip my finger across as fast as possible to destroy the envelope  given to me. The card had a 17th badge stuck on it with the phase 'Happy Birthday to the worlds best sister' at the bottom of the card in pink glitter writing. As I open the card, a picture that Frazer had drawn slips out. Although mess, it was a picture of me and him and a, 

'firework!' shouted Frazer as I pointed to the different things on the picture. Then I read the card  

'To Cecilia 
Happy 17th Birthday  
Hope you get want you want. 
lots of love  
isabel and frazer 

I am given the golden envelope which I started to openthe cardwhile nervously laughing waiting to see why my parents had smug looks on their faces.  

I scream with Delight! 

 Two Ball zone tickets for the summertime ball drop out. I didn't know what to say, for the first time in my life I was speechless. I screamed and started to laugh! I could not contain my self. After the 'Happy Birthday' songwas sung, I went back to my room and awaited breakfast in bed. 

I turnedon my phone to take a picture of the two tickets and  then posted it on Facebook and twitter. 

I could tell that this birthday was going to be special! 

Twitter @isthisanaffair 
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Chloe xxxxxxxxxx

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