She is mine!

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Tom's PoV

'Hey,' I whispered into cecilia's ear are I walked behind her. She turned around and giggled. It was a Friday and I still hadn't stopped her from meeting Brad.

We walked together hand in hand down towards the lunch line and got our tickets. We sat down on the waiting plush chairs still in holding each other's hands with a strong grip.

'Are you busy this weekend?' I broke the silence which held us back. She whipped her head around to me as she was looking at something else.

'Erm, I am meeting a friend on Saturday, why?' she replied so innocently will her deep voice going a bit high at the end.

'I was just wondering if you wanted to go ice-skating 'cause erm,' shit why ice skating, ''cause I know Evie gave you a pair of ice skates to you so I thought it would be a good idea. It starts at erm, 8pm. So what do you say.' finally I have come up with a way to stop her.

Well it wouldn't stop her from seeing him but it would stop her from him in his tracks to take her out in the evening.

'I will ask my mum tommy, but I think I'm going out with the family.' whew. She was going out with her mum and family.

'whos the friend,' I said curiuously flicking my hair as I did so.

'oh no one you would know,' she replied softly. 'Just someone I met that the summer time ball last week end.'

As weak as she said it I could tell that she was lying to me. I knew she was going to meet Brad. The text was obivous that she was.

Why would she lie to me, she was hurting me and she didn't even know it. The only way I know that she it hurting me is because I read the dam text. She didn't know I did but still I...i...I can't it can't be like this.

Im a fool to think that she wasn't going to do this to me after what I have down to her with out her self even knowing what she is doing

I know I hurt her with the other girls but she wasn't the kind to do get me a taste of my own medicine.

Yet I was right for cecilia and she knew that to. That is why I am always forgiven, cause she can't not be with out me.

She loves me too much and I loved her too much for her to be taken from me. I was her but more importantly she was mine. My property. No tresspassers were allowed.

I have already allowed a few in but knowing they would not dare cross the final line.

And Bradley would get a knockout if he did cross the line with her.

But he wouldn't, because she is too I love with me to care about other boys. I knew that only to well with how naive she was. How inoccent she was. How pure she was.

'Row three!' Mr Roberts shouted over the noise in the auditorium interrupting my thought but not bring me back to the real world. Until a soft hand clasped mine bringing up.

Her eyes staring to to mine loss but some how summoning me to get up which I did.

We hurries down the row of seats and got to the food line.

I pushed her back against the wall and glades in to her eyes. My head moving into her until we collided into each other.

A passion was there reassuring me that their was nothing to be worried about. With her kissing me back I felt nothing but the love I had for.

In the corner of my eye I saw the gap between us and the line. I broke the kiss but saw in her eyes that she wanted longer but we moved long the line not caring that people where staring at us.

We got our food. I had gotten burger and chips but cecilias had got a salad as always. She said she wanted to keep healthy for me but I kept telling her I didn't mine if she was fat or thin.

But still with her stubbornness eat the healthy option when I know she was druleing over the chocolate or in this case my chips and burger.

We walked along the dining area and sat down in a clear place. The school dining hall wasn't the best place to have a romantic lunch but it was were confined to.

I stared at her. Loss in her grey eyes while she was busy carefully eating the salad off the plate with the smallest mouth fully and chewing them for ling periods off time.

I automatically started to eat my meal but did not dare to break the state as my eyes where still loss in hers.

We made small talk about our day and about the ice skating I had asked her to.

'Friday would be better actually.' She said softly. I knew where this was going but I obeyed her request as I was not in the real world at that moment of time.

' so the date is set. Tonight I will take you to the Iceskating ball,' I smerked at her with a warm smile.

'Tommy because you have said that I must come in my favourite thing...' She said before I took her line away.

'Which is nothing!' I joked with her making a white smile apear on her face.

'No silly. You will just have to wait and see tonight. ' replied giggling at first but then going back to a sweet voice I knew.


'What to wear tonight?' I questioned my self as I stood in front of my wardrobe in my boxers. I picked out my skinny black jeans for my draw and decided on a causal shirt with a thin jumper on top.

I wanted to night to be special for her toe comprehend there is no other alternative but me. Although we used to do this a lot for dates last year.

I haven't been for a while but I think she has with her friend Evie whom know is a very good ice skater and skates with a guy in competition.

I had brought my self a pair of black ice skates but the ice hockey ones because I like the speed. I popped them in the ice skate bag they came with and touched up on my aftershave she had brought him me for Christmas.

I brushed my hair into the style I knew she liked and gelled it a bit to help my hair keep its place.

My mum had insisted on dropping in there. I knew that cecilias mum was taking her there and back.

I didn't want to ask her for a lift as her parents were a bit off with me because of the argument we had the day befor her birthday.

On the way there I listern to some music randomly on my iPhone.

When we had got there I had thanked my mum as she drove away. I turned to see the big doors to ally pally.

My phone in my pocket vibrated so looked at it waking into the hall.

"I'm waiting on the rink for you Tommy❤️ Love C xxx"

I hurried and got my ticket and rushed in to the locker area after quickly tying my laces to my skates. I wobbled over to the open enters nice door the the rink.

The ice sparkled as I brought my head up and stopped.

'Wow!' I mutters under my breath as I looked as her stunned from how beautiful she looked.


Authors Note

This has not been edited yet but will be soon. Please bear with me cause I was just too excited to not publish this as shit will go down soon.

Also. I got vamp tickets to their world tour. Boom I am the best best friend

I would like to unofficially dedicating this chapter to the real Evie who has inspired this and the next chapter of Iceskating. Love you to Evie and thanks to you for helping me with this book. I know you like me writing this book because you got to meet Nathan but we will see what other romance will come your way in this story.

Anyway vote please!!!


Chloe xxxxxxx


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