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Tom's PoV

I put my foot out on to the ice to get my balance. I skated over to the middle to see a bright white smile on Cecilia's face.

She looked beautiful, classy, she looked like my type of girl.

She wore a dress with the top half in a white lace and the bottom half was a silkish blue floaty skirt. Her hair was slightly curled. Her eyes her bright blue which glisten in the white spotlight over her.

'You look,' I spoken out 'stunning!'

I joined hands with her and pressed my head against hers. I moved up the last half inch so our lips could touch. Softly. Lovingly. We breathed our souls and our love into each other in the kiss. That kiss; hard, but soft; fiery but cool; a split second but also forever. In that one kiss, She then knew what was behind that quirky smile, and it made her love for I grow even more just in this one moment.

I broken the kiss unwillingly, and started to skate with her hand in hand. We skated around the rink a few times.

She was natural on the ice or Evie had given her a few lessons. Either way she did not wobble on her small blades she was on where as I did but only a bit.

I noticed a few guys at one corner but did not look at them in detail as I wanted to share this moment with her.

She ended up skating backwards with me leading her. We glided along the shimmering ice. And then a slow song came on. I took this moment to spin her around which she took to with great confidence.

Her dress came up but did not reveal much. As she twirled around a just glared at her. Her dress came up and I stoped her and took her hand once again and spun us both around the ice.

The song came to an end and I finshed waltzing her around the ice.

She finished me with a small kiss on the check and I then noticed the boys in the corner cheering at us and sarctiacly clapping. The moment I had with her was gone.

'Come with me tommy,' she whispered into my ear steering me in the direction of the the boys that I had made my mine up of hatred towards them. They where jealous that I had her and not them. But that's what I thought

We came closer to them who I recognised from some where but i couldn't put my finger on it.

They started to skate towards us. The first one was one of the tallest in the group of four. His hair had a slight quiff and was blondish. He was skinny jeans and a stiff coat of what looked like a well trained body.

The next one was smaller and had quite big eyes, he had a small we build but his factual features were defined. He also wore skinny jeans which were navy.

The next was different. He had brown hair which was losely curled at the end. His eyes were brown and face was more round than the rest. His cheeks weren't as prominent but we're also poke able. He started to smile and dimples apeared on this cheeks. He wore skinny jeans with a felt open coat with a big collar.

Finally the one on the end of the row was more causal again with skinny navy jeans but wore a acid washed Jean jacket over a grey hoodie his cheek bone was very prominent and his hair was styled the same as the first and was about the same height too.

The brown haired one skated infront of the rest and went to hug Cecilia. She welcome his arms as he squeezed her tight. Breaking the hug he complimented her on how beautiful she was looking. He came over to me and she introduced us.

'Tom this is Brad,' I just stood there not knowing what to say. He was the one. I went in for a hand shake for him to show respect to me. I then put my arm around Cecilia's waist and pulled her closer to me to show him she was mine, and silently gesture to him not to date cross the line.

As long as they were friends I was fine. But any feeling for her would mean and instant cut off. It was all explained to him in the gesture I had made and the dirty look I gave him.

The rest of the guys did t seemed to attached though at least the compete was kept to one. And one who was Brad whom didn't have a chance

Not against me anyways.


Authors note

So that will be then end of toms PoV for a bit. So toms met the competition, what who he thinks is competition anyway.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Vote please. All u have to do is a click a button !

Again this chapter hadn't been edited but will do soon.


Chloe xxxxxxxx


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