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  • Dedicated to Lizzie O

Cecilia's POV

I wake up from a long dream of blackness I had just endured. Pain from my wrist starts to immerge as I start to take in my surroundings. I move my head slowly and with my eyes gaining focus I can take in that the room is a light blueish colour.

There is a window on the side where I she people in uniforms walking about, up and down the corridor, beige blinds cove the window leaving me to see who is walking about. I hear a beeping sound coming from a machine from my side with only a few pipes and tubes coming from it. My eyes trace their destination, which is me. I trace it to my arm.

I carry on moving my head around, noticing a big head staring right into me, Brad. How did he get here? It can't be him.

I understand that I am now in a hospital room with brad and Evie seems to be with him. Brads lips are moving and his hand is intertwining with my hand. I can't not hear the sounds he is making and don't try to, I carry on looking around to find my mother in a seat against the wall opposite the window in front of her.

My ears start to work and I can finally match up brad's mouth movements with the sounds and mumbles he is making.

'Cecilia, can you hear me?' he is saying gently,' Cecilia, Cecilia.' his face hits confusion as he uses his finger to stroke my hand that is intertwined with his.

'Evie, she can't her me, what's happening?' he moaned to her worryingly.

I stared at him, opening my mouth, 'of course I can silly.' I giggled, 'I'm not deaf now am I'

I was in gulfed in a big hug from Evie and brad as they started to laugh from my comment.

I noticed my mum getting off of her chair and making her way over to my. Brad and Evie noticed to and backed off.

My mum ducked her head and kissed me on the fore head, 'how are you hunny, ok?'

'I feel a bit ill but not so badly.' I replied to answer the simple question posed, which was harder to answer than one would think. She explained what had happened to me, how I suffered from the pain relief side effects, which was fainting. When she can arrive at the hospital the nurse directed me to your room. Also that she was bae and decided to call my bbf's. And that Lizzie couldn't make it but Evie could and that's why she is here. But that still didn't explain why brad was here. I conveyed a confused look towards her.

Eviestepped in and answered my look. 'I told your mum to ring brad of whom I had to explain who he was.' she explained. 'I thought it would be nice to wake up to see your celebrity crush starring at you.' she smirked as brad then started to talk.

'and that's why I'm here, I liked the idea, but when your mum rang me and told me I rushed her cause I was so worried about you.' brad spoke boldly.

'I also rang tom too, just before you woke up.' she said, not knowing that she had made me freeze on the spot, not knowing what had happened today. I did not know what to feel, fear, love, passion, anger. I could not decide on which so I set my self to feel nothing. I noticed brad had also froze for a split second, but gained motion before me.

'He said he will be her in,' she continued looking at her phone to gain knowledge of the time, '5-15 minutes.'

Obviously not knowing what hr words had done to me and brad she smiled.Silent fell upon the room, and a cold breeze blow through.

'Should I get some lunch for us, it's twenty past one.' my mum broke the silent with a kind offer.

'There's a mac d's down the road a stretch, what do you guys want?' my mum making her offer even more desirable. She smiled at me.

'Can I have a hamburger happy meal mum please?' I started off the list of orders, 'with a water please.' adding a drink to my order.

'May I have a chicken mc nugget meal with a banana milk shake?' Evie followed me ordering her meal and my mum nodded.

my mum looked to brad, ' oh my, oh can I have a big mac in that case please, with a banana milkshake, MrsZelinger?' brad ordered at first confused if my mum was asking him with the look he gave him UT so got into mc d's order language.

'Do you want some help?' Evie offered her services to my mum as the order we had stacked up needed one to many hands to carry it to the room.

'Yes please Evie, if that's ok for you Cecilia. Don't want to be taking your friends away from you for too long?' she asked me. I knew what Evie was doing, leaving time alone with brad.

'Yeah of course, it's only down the road, anyways, you're not taking all my friends way now are you!' I smirked pointing to brad as I said so, he replied in a smile and my mother and Evie nodded and exited the room shutting the door behind them, walking past the mirror out of mine and brads view.

The room went quit once more. Just me and brad, and for some reason it felt right.

He got up from his seat, and perched himself on my hospital bed. We just stared at each others for a long time but it felt shorter. His face was glowing, and he came towards me. His head was next to my ear as a hush came out of his mouth, as was just about to question him.

'So I am your 'celebrity crush' now am I,' he mocked me yet keeping up with his whisper secretive voice. His hand came to my face, as I felt his warm hand cup my face.


Authors note

I will keep it short. I am really confused why some chapters have a high read than ones before it. If someone could inbox me and explain possible reasons that would help me a lot

Also what is brad about to do? Not sure yet either, haven't planed what next ;)

Finally, vote /or comment if you like it, ask me any things you may want to happen, and point out spelling and grammar. I will change it and I am trying to improve my spellings.





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