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Tom's PoV

Today we had a surprise or some shit for us finishing our year. We were all told by Miss Bugens squeel of a voice via the school's intercom system.

" All year 12 and 13 students must report to the auditorim for last period, no ifs or buts"

This announcement was repeated a total of 3 times to my utter annoyance. The day dragged on as usual but this day had still been one of the better ones. I have been feeling much happier since I got a new girl. Although Ceci was my first real time love, I had learnt how to make this new girl happy from my previous mistakes. I still need to ask her to be my Girl friend but i have just been delaying myself.  But even if I did ask, we would still need it to become a secret, otherwise she will cause havoc among everyone.

The last lesson before lunch was the dreaded sociology, I would have to sit next to Cecilia  for a whole hour and a bit. There was a time were I would treasure this, but now it was just hated, and she kept her distance moving to the chair free next to her, and placing her pencil case and textbooks in between us like the wall of China  someone would make in year 3. But who cares, I know she doesn't like sitting there anyway due to her OCD with tables in that room. This was because the tables never were aligned with the table overlapping the corner by one space.

THAT IS THE ONLY THING that is still bugging me! I can't seem to forget the little things. Those all important things in a relationship. Like the way she liked her hair or that she hated her legs or that her preferred drink was always a cocktail to wine or other forms of alcohol and what her favorite pizza was ; though the last one would be hard to forget because it was my favorite too. I'm not changing my favourite pizza for anyone!

In the lesson we ended up watching a film as it was our last lesson of the year. The teacher put on Made in Dagenham, 'cause apparently it was a "very" sociological film, and that we should all be able to understand how society use to be..." she drevealed on, pausing parts in the film where there was a point to be made.

Cecillia seemed to enjoy the movie, and she stared at the screen captivated by the story line. I on the other hand disliked this boring story, and stared into the distance beyond the screen. I stared into nothing, with no thoughts drifting in and out of my head; but one, when was this class going to end.

The class took forever to end, it felt like eternity.
The bell rang suddenly starling everyone besides me. As I had been watching and focusing on the clock above the door. We where dismissed with the teacher wishing us a happy holiday. Me and Cecillia parted our separate ways with her exiting the door first and me some time after.

Cecilia's PoV

After sociology, I had lunch with my friends as usual. The auditorium was shut for lunch however, so all the sixth former went to the 6thform cafe area. By the time my lot had reached the area the cafe was all but packed with all spaces taken and many choosing to stand up and eat.

Thusly We decided to eat outside on the grassy banks, and as we distanced our self the smell of the oil and grease from the toasty and hot food on sale, it faded away. We opened the door to the outside with the sun instantly beating down and the fresh air filling our lungs as we had distanced our self from the claustrophobic hustle and bustle of lunch time. The sound was not at all peaceful with all of the boys on the astrotuff running around playing football.

Half way through lunch evie made an abrupt departure, not telling us where her destination was, only,

'i need to go and see someone and will be gone the rest of lunch'. she disappeared through the door and we carried on tattering away about anything which popped to our heads.

The bell signaled the end of lunch, and we dispersed to our different form rooms.

Brad PoV

As her school was so near to where we lived we managed to arranged for the equipment to be set out the evening before. Obviously we weren't doing doing a full blown show but it had to be up to a decent standard so that we had a raised stage, our foot pedals in place and set up tris' drum kit  to avoid the hassle the next day. And the chance of being seen by students, thus ruining the surprise.

I had arrived with joe a little earlier than the boys. Joe thought it important seeming that it was my idea that I should not be in charge but have a major role behind the scenes; which to be honest I had never done. Due to it being a school, we had some students who helped with the school products along side helping us to set up what we had not the night before and link of the electrics together.

By the time the boys had come, I asked them to come in via the deliveries entrance so to avoid walking in the long way. I was trying my best to make this the ultimate surprise, I wanted for it to be fun and prove to Cecilia that we weren't just a one month fling but that I actually wanted to make her happy and please her with something this time a little less materialistic than maybe my other gifts ; although she cherished them memories last longer.
By noon we had all done a small sound check and were advised but the 'tec' students to get someone to grab there lunch or to leave the school intirely to avoid contact with any other humans apart from our selfs. The boys and joe decided to head out to local tescos and stock up. I denied this trip. I wanted to stay. As much as I loved food, I felt like I needed some alone time - plus the 'tec' students wanted some help with the odd jobs.

Some time later
'Were back!' James shouted as he entered and a small heard followed him into the autordium. They came back full from lunch. I on the other hand got jake one of the tec students to grab me a small sandwich from the cantine and surprising was not that bad compared to my shitty school meals of slop when I was in school. Which to be fair was not that long ago but hey ho.
They had timed there enteral de perfectly as it was apparently a ten minute form time. We all quickly rushed to out instruments had a quick. And I mean very very quick rehearsal of a few lines of 'oh Cecilia' just to make sure we were all in check, which we was.
Once the bell rang joe and I aushere the boys behind the curtain which was now being closed.
We did our routinely before stage ritual on fast forward. We noticed one of the doors opened slightly by what seemed to be the head of sixth form which I had met earlier on. Joe scampered to a place where he could be seen and awkwardly place a thumps up for a moment and then scampered back to our little 'hiding place'.
The lights became low to a near point of total blackness, we had a final sips of water, and the six formers started to pour in.

via a back door behind us, and oldish man, nearly bould and wrinkled features entered. the light from the door helped us to regain our eyesight. The man greeted us and thanked us for coming and performing. we all shaked his hand nervously as although he was not our teacher; we could obivously see he was very important, and like any old teacher could impose a fear into there audience. He wished us good luck and started to approach center of the stage before parting the curtains before he walk through.
The talk in the hall now quickly silenced it self. And waiting a a few moments more we became to speak in a long drifted tone.

His deep tone fade as we began to get into position. Me in the the middle with conner to the left of me and James to the right and with tris elevated more than us behind me. Our heads got into the zone and as the curtains open we began our first song.

James PoV

As per usual, we were all nervous before the show. We always are before the performance. It's only as the curtains open or we walk on stage do we get the all the nerves turned in to a rush of adrenaline.

At this show and at this moment I was looking at Brad. He had been more nervous than ever. You could see his guitar visibly shaking in this hand.   As we boomed into playing in our first song. In stead of him focusing on the song, you could see him looking about the crowd cheering .  Looking for her, his girlfriend.

Half way through the song I had noticed that he had  fixated his eyes to a certain point. And no doubt crossed my eyes that it was Cecillia.


I am soooo sorry for this wait. I have have one heck of a few months.  So once I finished my exams, I had prom and a few days after that I have a major operation which I have been waiting for for ages. So for the last month I have been recovering.
I'm stuck in my house like I prisoner. I hope u enjoy this chapter.

Chloe xox

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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