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Me and brad ended up in every single shop from top shop to John Lewis in west fields. I just didn't find anything I wanted. We had lunch at pizza express which Brad did pay for. there was a 3 course meal deal there so it wasn't that expensive for restaurant food. Afterwards we popped in to paperchase and quickly gathered up what I needed or wanted.
We decided that it might be better to go to the out side shops. I found a dress I liked. It was a nice red/ maroon coloured dress. It was skaters dress (no surprises there then) but was much shorter that a usual one of mine. I when to try it on, which mades fall more madly in love with it. I walked out to show Brad.
Brads Pov

She had been struggling to find a nice dress for her self all day. I pointed some out but she didn't like them or they were out of fashion date. Which they probably were. We ended up in a boutique kinda of shop in the out side area of the shopping centre. She spited a lovely dress which seemed to be quite Short when she held it up to he self. Which would just be a positive for me. And it looked perfect for her. She went to try it on in the dressing room but I waited but the rack of clothes and flicked through the price tags. £100 for the dress she wanted. I mean it was very cute but that's a lot of money to spend on a dress for my party. I mean it is only me.

"Brad?" I heard cecilia call from the dressing rooms in the corner. I speed walked over as not to look like a nutter. I walked through the little line of people and down the little corridor of cubicle when a hand popped out from a curtain. Followed by a 'I'm here bradley' call.
'Should I wait out here for you?' I questioned her not want to intrude on her naked self although it be pleasing.
"Could you help me?" She instantly replied and pulled the curtains open a bit inviting me in. "Could you zip me up?"
"Yeah sure." I pulled to togethere the open back and carefully zipped the dress up trying not to catch her slightly tanned skin. When I had finished, I gentlest rested me hand upon her shoulder. Looking at her in the mirror with her looking at her self too. A big smile grew on her face.
"What do you like?" She softly says turning her head to my ear.
"The best," I replied which I really did mean. She looking amazing stunning beautiful, there is not enough words to explain it to her with.
She looked at her self again in the mirror and smiles. "It's your party I'm going to and if your happy with it then I will get it." she said sweetly. I unzipped her dress and exited the cubic with a grin on my face.
Cecilia Pov.
I took quite a while taking the dress off, not sure why, but it took for ever. I did not have any shoes which went with the dress but my mum did. however we werent the same size feet so that was off the options list; leaving only one left on the list. Shoe shopping! yay!

i finally got back dressed and fixed my hair back up and exited the dressing room walking towards the counter not even looking at the label.

'over here.' brad nearly shouting across the shop, waving a the branded shop bag in the air.

i walked over not catching on.

'Here is your dress!' brad grinned at me knowing i did not want him to buy me that dress. i wanted to pay for it.

'thanks brad but you didnt have too,' i replied, he just smiled back. 'i mean really, you didnt have to.I have enogh money to get this...erm.'

'hundred pound dress,' he smugyly replied.

'is that how muched it costs,' i flicked the tag over on dress i tried on, and yes it was really a hundred pounds.' oh my god brad, you are taking that back, i don't want you to buy me this.'

'i insist, its the right size, i checked when you asked me to zip you up,' he still had a grin on his face,

'are you sure, i have enough money in my pursue,' i nearly beg him.

'the dress is a present from me, now you cant give back a present.' he came back at me with the smart answer.

i gave in and we ended up shoe shopping. brad ended up getting a another pair of doc. martins. and i ended up with a suede red pair of heels which matched the colour of my dress.

After we had a starbucks, we thought it would be best to split up for the last hour, to go in shops he or i would not want to go. i was also going to use this as an opputitunity to get him a birthday present.

i wasn't sure of  to what i was going to get him as i shopped around. i went into claires and thought it would be funny to get him a chessy vamps mech present as a silly present, so i got his a life size cutout of him self. i got a few dirty looks when i brought and bought it at the counter.

i then looked around some more shops, but i still could not find anything. when i walked past  links of london an idea sprung to my brain. i went in and brought a sliver chain and a disc pendant charm. I spent more than i might of wished but i was sure he was going to love the present and i needed to re-pay him for the dress.

i then went to level one to the shop were keys get cut. i thought that they might engrave there, of which they did. so on  the pendant i asked for the man who was working his way on cutting a key. i asked if he could engrave a B on the front and a message on the other side. he tolde me it would take twenty minutes so i went to the lego shop and picked a lego set to get my little brother. i picked a small ten pound set, which was the last money I had.

i went back and collected the pendanted and placed it back nicely in the links of londons gilft wrapping. i placed the bag in my other bag which held the dress.

i met up with brad and he took me home. i thanks him for buying the dress, and he leaves in his car.

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