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'Surprise!' Tara said as mine and Evie’s jaw dropped.

It was this a dream.

No it was actually the vamps right there in front of me standing with something behind their backs. They were all standing there rocking on their heels with a cute grin on their faces. Two seconds later and a Neuf gun came in to view in James’ hand.

'Fire!' Tristan shouted bringing me into realisations that they were shooting tiny foam bullets are me, Evie, Tara and Ella.

I scrambled to the floor to try and pick up the bullets so the boys would run out. I got shot at everywhere by all of the vamps members. Most of which hurt on my bare skin that was exposed because of the clothes I was wearing.

Evie was just running around the dressing room like a headless chicken. Tara and Ella had mange to grab Tristan's and Connor's Neuf guns and had started shooting at Brad and James who were still holding strong.

Finally they had run out of bullets thanks to me but I noticed in the corner of my eye the last bullet lying in the middle of the floor.

I raced to it dive down and so did Brad. Head butting each other as we did both dived down.

I was getting up from the floor rubbing my head which had started to hurt. I never tried to get the bullet after bashing in to him so I knew Brad had it and saw him loading it in to the gun.

Before I knew it the trigger was pulled and the bullet came flying towards me hitting me in the middle of my forehead and dropped on the floor beside me. Ouch!

'I win!' Brad boasted to me and the others. I had known him for all of two minutes and we were already having fun, like we have known each other for years.

'Hey Tara. Who have you brought with you,' Tristan questioned her gesturing at me and Evie.

'Oh this is Cecilia and here is her best friend Evie,' Tara replied to him, 'Oh Cecilia this is Tristan' pointing at tris, 'Connor and'

I interrupted her 'James and bbbrad' I stuttered.

Shit its Brad.

Omg is Brad.


I stare as his brown hair which was Curley at the tips. His shirt was unbuttoned at the front exposing his chest. His eye sparkled and his smile big and white. I glazed into them becoming lost but didn't want to find my way out.

The stare broke when open arms crashed into me bring me back into the real world. I returned the hug of Brad’s and the other boys followed him, hugging me and Evie individually.

'Can we all get a sefie, just cause your my favourite band of all time!' I said excitedly. They nod their heads as I quickly set up the sefie stick with my phone.

I just about mange to get everyone in the photo. I took some nice ones, some silly ones and some just ugly ones and ones where I had stuck my tongue out and Evie had pouted. #Fail

When I looked at the picture I had noticed there were bunny ears above mine and Tara's heads. I traced the arms back to Tristan would was doing a fish face and was trying to go crossed eyed at the same time but of course failed. I giggle to myself and joined back in the conversation.

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Where stories live. Discover now