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  • Dedicated to Hannah

It's the night of brads birthday party and I'm really excited. I haven't been told where the venue is but I've been told that I could bring a few friends as 'I don't know anyone at the party l' according to Brad.
What he forgets, is that I do know Union j, five seconds of summer and the wanted. I mean I was not a huge fan girl or anything but I like a few of their songs.

I slipped my dress on which Brad kindly bought for me.
I asked Evie to zip up the back of it as she was also getting ready at my house; Bella was also at my house too blow drying her hair which I am extremely jealous of and wish that I could have as it is some much less frizzy than mine. Hannah, another one of my friends, was in the corner doing here makeup, which by the way looked amazing.

I stared at my self in the mirror studying the dress I had chosen. Was it me. It was a bit more 'glam' than I would have chosen but it was a nice dress aswell so I decided to keep it on and hope it looks beautiful enough for the party. I did my makeup and Hannah did my eyeliner because I'm shit at it and she is an expert at perfecting it.

Anyways, once we were all finished getting ready, we piled in to my mums car whilst receiving compliments from my mother on our dress sense. We were dressed in smart but causal clothing; keeping with the dress code of the party.
My mum drove us to Tara's apartment where we would meet the boys and stay the night at.
Our parents were all fine except for Evie's parents, nothing four girls cant change with a bit of begging.
By the time the security let us in to the posh totty apartment grounds. The gates opened and we drove round the back at which point my mum pulled over and let us flood out.
I thanked my mum whilst she gave me some emergency money for the night and extra money if I need it for the bar fee.

I knocked on Tara's door and we waited for the door to open for quite at bit with a lot of 'wait a minute' shouts directed at us.

Ella opened the door. Well I say opened but it was ajar almost like she was hiding something from me and the girls.
She shout over. 'It's only cecilia and her mates.' A huge groan was sounded from behind the door.

'In in in quickly. We are surprising Brad. ' Ella announced at us quitely and we all shimmied in through the door which was now wide open. I gave a brief hello before I was pulled to the floor to crouch. The girls soon got the messgae and hide in various other places which wasn't already occupied by the vamps (with the exception of Brad)and other famous people as well as Tara.
We waited in anticipation for the knock at the door. We waited for so long that when a knock sounded from the door, I was not surprised that everyone jumped out of their skins.

Because Hannah was the nearest to the door. She was signalled by the others to open the door and switch the lights off.

The door was opened the light switched on and a gigantic 'surprise' was screamed at Brad whom just stood there in shock with a look on his face like he had just shat his pants. When he came to realisation, he tried to blow it off and made up an accuse that he acted to make us feel better.

The room became immersed with music whilst Hannah and Bella returned to my side hoping to be introduced to some people. Unfortunately I only knew a handful of people myself. I was thankful when Tara came over to me as she could introduce me and girls to the other pre party guests.

"Hey Cecilia are these your girlfriends." Brads deep voice asked whilst he slipped an arm around my waist.
"Erm this is Evie as you already know and Bella and Hannah." I introduced them nicely pointing at them as I said their name. Brad welcomed them in for an individual hug.
We hung about a bit talking with Brad until Conner picked up the house phone and told us that two of the taxis had arrived and the other taxis was running late. Every one stumbled out of the door towards the direction of the taxis.

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