Skating with my Love

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Cecilia's PoV

My love of pretty dress' of which I filled my wardrobe with was what I had to wear to night.

I picked out a fairly new dress which was a fitted skater dress which was a lace top and a plain silk bottom of the colour of sapphires.   

I slipped the dress on and placed my white figure ice skates in a pristine skate bag aswell as poping a small cloth to clean the water off them afterwards.   

I decided to put on some really fluffy sock in the bag too knowing that my skates get uncomfortable with out the cushioning.   

I applied a bit of make up just to emphasis my lips, cheeks and eyes a bit. But maybe more importantly to cover up a few of my irritating red mini spots on my head.   

I walked down stairs to my mum who was getting ready to go by getting the car keys from the kitchen.   

I hopped into the car and I and my mum drive off to ally pally. I was going to get there early so that when he walks in huge would seem me.   

I texted Tom to make sure he wasn't cancelling it. I hoped he wouldn’t cancel because I loved me and him going ice skating, together. I thought it was so romantic but we hardly ever do it anymore.   

While I was in the middle of talking to my mum I receive a ping of my phone and it vibrated in my lap. I carefully picked up my phone and read the text.   

'We would love to come!!!

 see you soon,

 from B xx’

Ahh. They decided to come. I and Brad have been having conversations over this week. He was great to talk too and was interesting to talk to.   

Nothing was ever going to come out of it. Like, I'm in a relationship with Tom but Brad didn't even flirt on text so you know.

 It was just great to know I now had a friend or friends as being friends with Brad made Tris Con and James friends too, who were not from school or Twitter and that was nice. I didn't bother with any social groups like dance or guides so I didn't really have any one else apart from team 5 (my group of friends at school)  

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