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This is a chapter I didn't like writing for some reason but I wrote quite a bit for it. The spelling and making sense is really bad as I haven't check it. Double update !!!!

Cecilia's. PoV
I was pretty trashed at this point.

'another,' i shouted at the bartender as Tristan, and brad sat next to me.

'make it 3 doubles, please.' i slurred at the guy again. i had probably never drank so much in my life. But it felt so good. drinking my sorrows way about Tom and our break up. i cant believe it came down to a break up. but i gave him some many chances, it was bound to drive me insane.

the bartender came over and concocted the drinks. and whipped them out on the side. three double shots face me, brad and Tristan.

'on the count of three.' Tris shouted over the blaring music.

'one,' brad shouted.

'two' i shouted

'three,' Tris finished the count down and we all brought the glasses to our lips and gulped down the burning liquid. although it was a horrible taste, i could see why tom liked to drink his problems away with vodka. It was just i nice sensation.

their i go again, thinking about Tom. i start to question my self again. should have i stayed with him, could we do it again, what if i gave him my vir... no. i shut my self up right there and then. i would not let that question lingue in my head.

Brad left the bar to go look for someone, but me and Tristain carryed on drinking the shots. after about 3 more double shots Tristain and I stopped. we didn't choose too. the bartender was getting to busy and was spending too much time with the other party guest.

' should we go dance.' i slurred to tristain who was a me side.

i got a simple nod and a hand that dragged me throught the crowds. i stummbled down the path made by tris through the crowds. i practically dependented on that hand to keep me from falling, but in the end my hand sliped out of his. leaving me to find my own way. when I got to the dance floor i bumped in to.

'fuck a duck,' i looked up to find a young tanned man. he had curls like brad only longer. his green eyes sparkled in the flashing lights in the club. a smile started to appear on the boys face and cute deep dimples started to appear on the sides of his face.

'yep, it is me.' i could not believe my eyes. Harry Styles was standing right infront of me. the most loved, popular, goodlooking guy on this planet according to most young teenaged girls.

'i am soooo, sorry.' i quickly apolgiesd for bumping into him. ' i didnt know it was..,'

'dance with me.' wait what. did he just ask me to dance with him. i stood still not knowing what to do or to say.

'erm..' was all i manged.

'you say yes, of course.' he cheekily smiled at me again.

'well at least i can brag about this to my mates.' i smiled back at him, metally screaming at my self for even saying that. but thankfullyhe laughed to my pathectic joke. he was totally pissed drunk. well i couldnt judge. i was fucked up drunk.

he pulled me up against him grabing the sides of my hips. we moved togetther in time to the music.

'so whats you name newbie.' he spoke in my ear.

'cecilia,' i replied back to him. he nodded.

'ok cecilia, i am now going to call you newbie.' i was confused. why newbie

'why newbie?' i shouted back at him ad the music grew louder.

'because anybody who is any body is here, well anyone who is in town now and in the music lifstyle. althought the vamps arn't as famous as one direction, this event is social event. meaning eveyr one catches up and the pap promote the band and the party.' he finished as i nodded back at him actually understanding him even though i was intoxicated.

'come with me.' i told he, gripping his hand and pulling in the direction of the ViP Section.

i fell in to some sofas, and harry sat down normally making me feel really drunk that i cant even sit down propely.


we ended up talking from some long time. we ordered some cocktails to keep us going.

'here have my number, newbie, you may need it. i have a feeling.' he slurred now as drunk as me.

I pulled out my phone and he inserted my number.

'but if you give it to anyone, i swear down.'he angryily slurred at him as he saved his contact onto my phone.

'no, of course not, but i would become a saint for doiing so, just think.' i starred upwards.' all of those crazy fans finding out your number.'

'dont,' he repliled. his face was a little tense but i could tell he was not to angry, just annoyed at the though.

'im joking.' i laighed and his face relaxes.

'i see you have made a new friend.' brad putting out his hand infront of me. i instantly grab hold on his hand and he yanked me upwards, allowing me to stand on my own to feet.

'nice to see styles,' brad turned his attention away from me.

they did a basic spud, handshake thing.

buy now we were all staying up, i had to lean on brad, with my hands around is shoulders just to keep my self up right.

we said goodbye as he was going to make a move and go home because of how drunk he was.

'get one of the sercurity guard to call you a cab.' brad shouted to harry who was now about 3 foot away from us.

harry's head turned to face back to us, flicking his hair as he did so.

'why.' harry said confused.

'to aviod paparazzi, they cant see you like this mate.' brad shouted back to harry. harry nodded back and headed away from us. Brad wasn't as drunk as me by a long long way. but we were still pissed.

it was nice to know that i have met two famous people in the space of like... 3 weeks. It's mad really. i was just a ordianary girl in a dodgy relationship. my thoughts trailed off.

'lets dance,' i let go of brad which was a bad i idea. i stumbled down to the floor. brad luckily catched me. i was too drunk to walk. wow i have never been this much drunk before.


Brads Pov

'no lets get you home.' i catched her as she fell. she was so drunk and so was i although i called it a day about an hour ago so i had sobered up a bit.

'no,' she squrimed at me. i pulled her in to a hug. i hade noticed laterly she always liked me hugs. im not sure why. maybe i made her feel safe, or i was just engolfing her that she didnt have a choicse. either way, i squeezed her tight.

'its time for us to go now.' i loudly whispered in her ear. she gave in and let go of me. on the way out i said my goodbyes to good friends. the club was still packed but you could notice there was a bit more space than at the start. My party was still going stong at two O'clock in the morning but it was time for me to go.

i hailed a taxi and we where on our way back to the apartment block.

Authors note

So this is just a filler for the main event next. Which is why it will be a double update. Although I thought this chapter was needed to led you guys into what's next with out you being like wft. Also I wanted to so that she is soo fricking drunk and out of her real self that anything could happen.
Please don't hate with me including Harry styles. I just thought it would longan the chapter out and gives me options for story lines in the future and sets me up to do that for later on.

The next chapter I did not dare to write but my friend Vicky wanted to. It's really good if you ask me. Better than my work. Anyway I did the end but she safes my life and wrote the smut.
Yes! Smut?

Skip the next chapter if you don't like that stuff.

Anyway thanks to Vicky and again to Hannah. Although we have not edited it. She is a life saver too.

Lots of Love ,
And Vicky


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