Film Night

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'Do you want to come around mine tonight,'Tom whispered into my ear as we were making our way out of our English classroom.   


'I thought we could watch a film and maybe buy a pizza?' He continued to whisper in my ear. He knew me so well.  


 I nodded to in agreement. I wasn't up for talking, I was feeling sick because of the lack of sleep I had gotten over the weekend with the summer time ball and not quite catching up with the sleep I needed.  


'What's up Cecilia? Your not being your normal self today?' Tom spoke up about me not speaking to him. He had obviously noticed that I wasn't speaking to him much today because I was feeling ill.  But I ignored the comment and carried on walking down the corridor.  


As we now got to the end to the corridor still managing to keep our hands a clasp in the school rush. I finally spoke to him, first time properly today   


'I would love to come around mine today, I will meet you by the library? Yeah.' I finally spat out.   


'Yeah, ok I will see you after your history class, see you Cecilia.' He replied as we parted to go to afternoon registration.  


One lesson left and my favourite subject to go. History went flying by as we studied World War One in Germany. Which was quite interesting but that's because I was brought up to like history with stories my gran would tell me and her taking me to museums.   


After the bell went I packed up my stuff into my bag and walked up to the library which was two floors up in the school building. I slowly  walked up the stairs trying not to fall over as there were so many lower year students rushing to get out the door; where as I like to take my time.  


'Hey,' I said pouting slightlybut quite quietly as my eyes met Tom. He said hello back and offered me a chocolate which I happily accepted. Popping the chocolate in to my mouth and let the chocolate melt away into my throat.   


We walked out of school hand in hand and made small talk about how our day was. School was boring so there wasn't really much to talk about.    


When we got to his house, he unlocked his door and let us both in. We found his mum in the kitchen making dinner.    


'Hiya son and I see you brought Cecilia with you. Do you guys want to have dinner?' She asked but directing the question at me.   

'Erm...' I stuttered as I tried to answer the question posed to me.  


'Mum I was going to get a pizza from Dominos if that's ok.' Tom quickly interviews knowing I did not want to be rude.   


'Yeah that's fine. I will leave you be. And Cecilia I'm happy to give you a lift home,' she replied. I smiled as the option.   


'Thanks,'. I said.   


Me and Tom made ourway up the stairs to find his room which was also at the top of the house.   

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ