The Punch

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Brad's POV 

The night was dark, with the sun hidden by grey clouds. 

 It was summer yet it was so dark so early it was 10 o'clock and Cecilia needed to leave so we all called it a day. 

 I waved good bye to Cecilia, who had left me with her boyfriend; of whom  I could see did not take a liking to me, compared to James whom he seem to get along with ok. 

 She got in her mum's car and drove away. 

'She is mine,' tom spat at me, as her car drove out of the car park exit. He turned to me with anger boiling through his veins, faced stoned tensed and fists in balls on his side. 

'I know.' I calmly replied back with no emotion. I had just now noticed the boys behind me on the steps to the ice-skating entrance stepping back, obviously letting me know that it was my battle and they would only pick up my remains, knowing me and my ways and wanted no part of it. 

'Then why did you flirt with her then?' He continued to spit at me, 'don’t you think I know what you’re doing whether you know it or not.'  

 He saw me a competition, which in the end I was hoping for. Well, I was hoping for her to be single but with her jaw dropping looks, I knew it was hardly the case. 

'Can a girl not have a male friend?' I smugly replied with smart brains in action and Hoping that the words would disguise my real intensions.  

When Tara introduced her, I was so glad; her beauty was asking for me but at that point I just wanted to be her friend, so the statement I had just made was half true.  

It was only though texting her the whole of this week did my eyes open up with how similar we were. 

'Let’s go brad.' James butted in, knowing he wanted no0 part of this and rightly so. I turned my face to the boys and then turned my body. I started to walk. 

Although I had already taken two steps away, when I felt a hand on the back of my shoulder pulling around back to face tom. 

 As soon as I had turned a fist came straight at me and collided into the right side of my face. 

 A pain that started in the side of my face which had been pushed by tom and then the pain travelled to my right eye caused throbbing. It was like stubbing your toe, but only much much worse and the pain would linger around. The warm water from my eyes started running down my face which felt soothing but a sign of defeat. 

By this time I had noticed I had fallen to my feet which enhanced the sign of defeat. I looked up to the towering tom starring over me.  

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Where stories live. Discover now