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Walking home from school with Tom again felt good. We ditched my friends at the nature reserve. We did not have to exchange words as we went down the grassy path. As we walked along it became muddier and muddier.


I had fallen down bring Tom with me. We bursts in to fits of laugh as we look at each other. He offers me a hand to get up which I gratefully take. He pulls me up and we carry on walking until we get to the stream at the end. We throw out bags over and I decided that he jumps first so that he could help me across.

"Go on then, Jump!" I said. He quickly nods his head and goes back to have a run up. He strides pass me and jumps across the small 1.5meter stream. 

I now take my run up and stride towards the stream with a hand on the other side reach half way. I make a leap and grab his hand. Tom quick pulls me towards him to stop me from landing in the water.

We carry on walking until we get to the end of my road and we apart.

The night was boring as we just went to Nando's which I love to eat but we go there to much.

I get changed into my pyjamas and sleep not looking at my phone as I am so tired.


Author's Note

I know this is short, well a very very short and it was meant to be in the chapter before but it didn't happen like that. Oh well

Anyway. It is about to be meeting the vamps time in the book. And they are closer to home then you think.

This is based on true events. And there is a actual person I know who live next to the vamps. I did work experience with her so we are pretty close.

this is all going to come up in the next chapter I will hopefully publish on Saturday.

So thanks for reading so far. Vote /or comment improvements cause I know the book needs them.

I have seen my reads has gone up a bit so thanks !!!


Chloe xxxxxxxxxxxx

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