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  • Dedicated to Vicky wilding


I was discharged fom hospital sunday morning. and i was very happy to leave that place too. hospitals werent my ideal location to be a prisoner of. 

Monday was as boring as ever. i told my friends that i had broken up with Tom for good. this is because they needed to know so as they did not make the jokes we had with him being bae and other jokes.

They were very suportive of my decision as you would expect all close friends would be. telling me 'he was to low for me and he isnt worth me time. but i felt i had wasted so much time with him to end up not togetther.

my sociology lesson felt lonely. He was not at my side, he did not even bother coming to school and the reason why was propbably me. the guilt was killing me. grating it self on me, knowing i had done what he did to me. he does not even know, nor do my friends as i try to get use to something i will propbaby have to live with.

i only had a half day that day. so when i came home i lay in a nice hot bath with a lush bath bomb fizzying away. and decided i had not catched up with my sleep enough, so i would be having an early night. my mum hadmade some pasta which i hardly ate due to my guilt.


next day


'I will pick you up at 9am 

B xxx'

today was the day i was going shopping at westfield stratford. i had a list of hwta i wanted to get which was a dress for Brad's Birthday party, some shoes and some stationary from paperchase whom had brought out a nice themed range which i wanted to get to re-vamp my desk area which was dull and un-insprational. school was a major part of my life, which i thought should have my full divided attention.which it hadn't completely because of my relationship, but got more than enough time that my a-levels really needed.

i decided to curl the ends of my hair, as i had let it dry naturally the day before and it was looking a bit scruffy. i pinned back my front sections of my hair and put a nice clip on one side of my hair. i decided to wear, a dress.more for the practically of trying lots of clothes on. the dress was a cotton navy skaters dress with small white pokka dots on it. i put it on along with socks and my converse.

it was 9 am and Brad honked his car horn to notife me that he had arrived. i rushed down stairs picking up a small side bag with my phone, purse, and oyster with in it. I was just about to open and exit the door when my mum told me to wait.

'here hunny, get your self some lunch.' she handed me hundred and fifty pounds in twenty and ten pound notes. which was more than lunch. i looked up at her confused.

'i thought you could treat your self to some make up or a pair of shoes,' she gave a half hearted smile, knowing i had once again broken up with tom.

'thanks mum,' i said cheerily and exited the door, just to open another one of Brad's car.

'HELLO,' he anouced his being. i poped my seat belt on and we drove on. we were listerning to captial fm breakfast show.

'how have you been, since you know?' he questioned me, refereing to me breaking up with tom.

'guilty.' i quietly replied. no sure what his reaction would be.

'why c, he is the bad one in this situation,' he came back with sharply.

' cause i feel guilty not telling him about us kissing minutes before he entered the hospital room.Ok.' 

'you shouldn't what happen was...'

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