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This contains sexual references/ smut. Skip the chapter if you are not comfortable with this type of stuff. 

He opened the door and I peered into his appartment. It was bigger than I expected.

"Erm do you want a drink or something" he said with slurred words as the door shut with a slam.

"No I've had more than enough." I also slurred but decided I wanted the drink anyways.

"What do you want Ceci? Erm bit of vodka ?" 

"Yeah yeah" I agreed without even listening to what he had said. All I knew was that I wanted more drink. I stumbled over to the sofa, fell into it and giggled loudly. 

Brad somehow managed to pour two small glasses of alcohol and crashed next to me on the sofa. 

He switched the TV on, and settled on the music channels. The charts consisted of Bruno Mars, Iggy Azela, Ed Sheeran and finally the vamps. His face lightened up and he pointed at the screen and grinned. 

"Look C, it's me!"
"Yeah, it is. Look how hot you are," Shit. The tiny sober part of my brain screamed what the fuck did you just say. 
"Are you being sarcastic?" He said with a wink. This calmed me from my panic. Argh, he's so fucking hot. Shit why am I thinking that. It's true though. Fuck it I thought and took a large gulp of my drink. It burned the back of my thought and warmed my insides.

I glanced over at brad, whom was looking at me with his deep brown eyes. His hair was a tasselled mess and he looked effortlessly perfect. I stared at his full, red lips and imagined the endless places that they could be. 

"Come with me Ceci, I wanna’ show you something". 

His words snapped me out of my beautiful fantasy as I took his hand and he led me to, what happened to be, his bedroom. The light was dim, and I could see bright stars filling the night sky out of his huge window.

"Wow" is all I could say, for once I was speechless, despite how drunk I was, the sky looked stunning. 

"Not as gorgeous as you though" he said sarcastically as he squeezed my bum. I yelped, then giggled as I slipped into his embrace and we landed on the bed. His eyes bored into mine as he softly moved a loose strand of hair away from my cheek. His weight was supported by his strong forearms above my head. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was silenced by his warm lips gently touching my own.

Just like in the hospital, it felt amazing. So right. But this time I wanted more. My tongue found his and our kissing became faster, in a desperate need for each other. I widened my legs and I immediately felt him pressing against me, through my thin lacy under garments. 

I reached out and bit down on his lip, it felt so good. I wanted him. He slowly and widely kissed my cheek, then moved his head to reach my neck. His hot breath on my bare skin sent shivers through me, as I throbbed with each second that passed. His wet bottom lip trailed up my neck and jaw line, until he found my lips once more. I lifted my hips off the bed and started to remove my Victoria Secret knickers, when he realised what I was doing, he helped with one hand, all the while still kissing me. 

"Do you want me to? You know? Make you feel... Good?" He said and heavily breathed. 
"I'm a Virgin". Fuck that came out blunt. 

"Oh that's okay like I don't..mind or anything.. Are you sure you want to? Shall I? Do you-" I cut him off by kissing him and grabbing his hand and putting it...there. He found me so quickly; a breath taking sensation took me away to another planet, which I have never visited before. He knew exactly what he was doing, quite the pro; Even when he was drunk. 

Is this an affair? (Bradley Simpson fanfic)(Risk it all)Where stories live. Discover now