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I walked in my room with Enzo behind. As soon as he got inside, I closed the door behind him.

There was a moment of silence between us before he decided to break it, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I couldn't help but scoff at that. He was asking me that?

"Think again" I mumbled making him roll his eyes, "I wasn't thinking when I did what I did and for that, I'm sorry. I regret it. But you shouldn't have hid him from me."

"Please" I scoffed, "You told me to get out so I did. I didn't know I was carrying your kid when I left and when I found out I didn't want to tell you because of what you said to me before I left."

"I wasn't thinking" His tone was apologetic, "I'm sorry. I want to spend time with Ales-" he cut himself off for a second before continuing, "with my son"

"Fine" I agreed.

"I'm taking him with me to my house." He stated, making me furrow my brows.


"No?" He repeated, "You can't say no. I'm taking him whether you like it or not. But you're welcome to come too."

"I'm not coming to stay with you in your house." I said firmly, "If you want to see him, you come and stay here not the other way round."

"Do you want me to get legal permission for that? Because I can. You can't take my son away from me for four years and now expect me to go by your rules when it comes to him." He said, clenching his jaw in anger. "And he has the right to get to know his family." He added, "So yeah, I'm taking him with me and like I said, you're welcome to join."

"Fine." I huffed, We'll spend a week at your place."

"A week?" He asked, "No. Amonth."

"A week" I argued to which he shook his head, "A month."





"I will not agree to this" I mumbled making Enzo frown, "You've got three seconds to agree before I decide to take only him and trust me, I'll do it."

I scoffed, "You can't do that!"

"You wanna bet?"

"You're being an asshole"

"Two seconds left..." he said, looking at me.

Screw him.

"Fine!" I quickly said, "A month it is."

He smirked, "Wasn't so hard now was it? And right...we need to change his name."

Wait what?

"What's wrong with his name?" I furrowed my brows, confused as well as curious.

"Alessio Jr, really?" He asked, rendering me even more confused. What's he talking about?

"His name is Nicholas, not Alessio."

"What? But Alessio told everyone that his name is Alessio Jr. Wait-" His eyes slightly widening, "You named him after me?"

I shrugged, "I figured that It was the least I could do."

Neither of us said anything in the next few seconds until a question popped in my mind and I blurted it out, "So, Bianca?"

"She was just..." he trailed off, "a necessary thing to do. I needed a heir and a capable Donna by my side and she...well let's say she had all that qualities." He added, "But now I won't need a heir since I apparently already have one."

Just then, the door swang open and Alessio entered the room, "Did I interrupt something?"

"No" I quickly replied, "I'm going to see Nick." I then left the room, going downstairs where my son was.

I went to the living room and saw Nick sitting on his grandmother's lap while playing with her bracelet. They were all looking at hin with a smile on their faces.

|Alessio's POV|

"You know since my sister's back with your son, you won't need to marry that Bianca bitch." I said to Enzo to glanced at me before sighing.

"I do have a heir but I don't have a donna." He said, frowning.

Could this guy get any more stupid?

"Well my sister is here too" I replied, rolling my eyes, "I thought you love her."

"Things change" He responded before before walking away. Rude much?

I sighed and was about to follow Enzo when my phone beeped with a message from Luigi Gonzalez. Right, I was supposed to meet him.

I read the message, 'Meet me in the XXXXX restaurant. We need to talk'

'Do we?' I texted back.

'It is important' was his reply. I sighed but agreed to meet him. I was curious to know what he needed to talk about.



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