Chapter Twenty Five

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      Another day or so went by, but the vampires and Tabitha did not go to school both days because it was rather sunny outside. Edward had been complaining that Bella went to the rez the day prior to all of the sunshine and nice weather. Tabitha didn't understand how one person could complain so much. Edward was like a walking complaint form, which had been filled to the brim by complaining employees.

       The next day when the Cullen family went back to school, Bella couldn't keep her eyes off of them. She was curious about them, moreso after she had talked to Jacob Black. Apparently Perri had left him after Tabitha moved out. Jacob was crushed for a while, but then he started obsessing over Bella.

"Bella's going to the bookstore today." Alice commented, causing everyone to look over at her.

"When you told Tabitha to stay away from the bookstore, was she with Bella?" Jasper asked, and Alice nodded slightly.

"Well, now I'm glad I haven't befriended Bella. She's dangerous to be around." Tabitha said, making Edward scowl at her.

"It wouldn't be her fault if something happened to you, Tabitha." He replied, as Jasper glared at Edaard and pulled Tabitha close to his side once again.

"She's a walking danger zone, Edward. You almost exposed us to everyone because of her. If Alice didn't warn Tabitha, something would've happened to her, too, all because of Bella." Rosalie stated, as she glared daggers at Edward.

     Edward didn't say anything to the blonde girl, knowing it would just make a bigger fight. He knew Rosalie didn't like Bella, and he's started to realize that neither did Tabitha. Tabitha didn't want the Cullens to be exposed because of Bella, but Edward believed Tabitha was somewhat jealous of all of Bella's friends and how the Swan girl seemed to be more sociable.

"You both don't have to be so jealous of her." Edward commented, causing the two girls to glare harder at him.

"Now you've done it." Emmett murmured, chuckling slightly with a shake of his head.

"We're not jealous of her, Edward. If I wanted to be jealous of an obsessed fan, with a dull personality, I would've befriended her a long time ago." Tabitha spat, as she and Rosalie stood up.

"Face it, Edward. Bella's not worth it. She's nothing to us. I'd never be jealous of her in a million years. I'd never put myself that low." Rosalie sneered, before she and Tabitha left the cafeteria together.

"Do not ever talk to her like that again, or I will not be so forgiving next time." Jasper stated, as he too stood up and left the cafeteria.

       Emmett stayed quiet, as did Alice. Emmett was somewhat mad at Edward for angering his mate and his newfound best friend/ human sister, but he kept it to himself. Alice stayed quiet, knowing both sides had arguments she didn't really want to be a part of. Alice was neutral in the Bella debate, since she somewhat knew what was going to happen in the future for Bella and Edward. She hoped Tabitha and Rosalie would finally accept Bella, but it seemed that was going to be harder than she thought.

       Rosalie, Tabitha, and Jasper stood outside of the school by their cars. They couldn't be bothered by going back into the school building. There was no use going back when the school day was already half way over anyway. Besides, both girls were in a rarely bad mood because of Edward. Rosalie had already forbade Jasper from messing with their mood as soon as he had found them outside, so he really didn't find a point in them going back to class in such a foul mood.

"Alice expects us to just welcome Bella into our family, as if it isn't going to end badly for all of us." Rosalie commented, causing Tabitha to sigh.

"Bella is so dull. She doesn't do anything to make herself seem even remotely interesting. Nothing about her makes her seem to be worth knowing." Tabitha stated, and Rosalie nodded in agreement.

"If Alice said going to the bookstore was a bad idea when you were with Bella, that means that you being around Bella is unsafe. I don't think she needs to be around you, Alec, or any of us. She's a danger magnet." Rosalie said, shaking her head as she spoke.

"Her blood is the worst problem. I can barely be around her without wanting to attack her." Jasper commented, causing Tabitha to frown.

     Tabitha knew that she and Alec were safe around Jasper and his family, but if Bella's blood was that appealing to Jasper, than anything could happen. If Bella were to accidentally bleed around Jasper, Tabitha or Alec could end up in real danger. Shaking her head, she decided she was going to keep herself and Alec as far away from Bella as possible, even if that meant Jasper went with her as well. She knew Jasper would follow her and her son, so she wasnt worried about him sticking around Bella and causing a scene if she didn't want him around the dull girl.

"She's going to find out about us soon." Rosalie said, breaking the silence once again.

"When she does, we will have to leave to protect ourselves. She's a danger to have around our family." Jasper replied, wrapping his arm around Tabitha's waist.

"What if she tells someone, or everyone, about you?" Tabitha asked, her voice barely above a whisper due to how worried she was about the Cullen family.

        Technically, Tabitha knew that she was a part of the Cullen family on paper, but she wasn't a part of them as a vampire in their family. Sooner or later, the inevitable was going to happen, but Tabitha hoped for later. She wasn't ready to lose her human life, not when she had so much to do, especially when it came to raising her son as a human.

"Well, she better pray she keeps her mouth shut." Rosalie replied, a look of determination on her face.

      Tabitha knew if it came down to it, Rosalie would banish Bella away from their family before Bella could ever get any closer...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter.  I'm going to try and update this book often, from start to finish if I can. I do not have a set amount of chapters yet, but I'll figure it out soon. It'll probably be close to eighty or so.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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