Chapter Seventeen

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    The next morning, Tabitha woke up to the sound of hushed whispering. She wasn't sure who was whispering but she knew that it had to be someone other than Jasper. When she opened her eyes, she realized that it was already morning. Honestly, she felt as if she hadn't slept long at all. She still felt tired but she knew she had gotten at least a little rest over the few hours she slept.

      Tabitha slowly rolled over and felt her tummy flutter, when she seen Jasper and Alec whispering to each other. They had seemed to be in a deep conversation, though she was still too groggy to understand them. Jasper and Alec happened to be talking about Tabitha. Jasper would ask questions, getting very realistic answers from Alec. Alec would ask questions to Jasper as well, which he would also answer when he could.

"Good morning boys." Tabitha chimed, causing both males to look over at her.

"Good morning." They both replied in unison, making a big smile cover Tabitha's face.

"I talked to the doctor earlier. He said Alec's ribs were getting stronger. He should be able to go home in a couple days." Jasper stated, causing Tabitha to grin.

"That's great. How'd you talk the doctor into that?" She asked, as Jasper chuckled lowly.

"Well, he lives with us, of course. He decided Alec might recover better when he's at home and in a more relaxed environment. Besides, Alec will be happy to see his new room." Jasper replied, causing Tabitha to sigh with a resting smile.

"I guess you're right. He'd probably love to finally get out of the hospital room and finally have his own real bed. What is Carlisle going to do about his pain medication and stuff?" She asked, lightly laying her hand on top of Alec's.

"I'll have an iv set up by his bed at all times until he's completely healed. He should be healed enough and ready for physical therapy by next week." Carlisle answered, as he closed the door to Alec's hospital room.

"So, he's getting out Friday?" She asked, causing Carlisle to nod.

"Yes, he'll be getting out Friday as long as all of his vitals are good. If not, we'll have to wait until next Friday, when he's ready for physical therapy." Carlisle stated, as Tabitha sighed.

"Does his vitals include his food?" She asked, scared he wasn't eating enough to be released from the hospital.

"Yes but Alec and Jasper had a very good talk about his eating habits earlier. Alec has agreed to eating at least the bare minimum needed to be released from the hospital." Carlisle said, causing Tabitha to laugh lightly.

"He always has been a picky eater. He hates the food here more than anything he's had in a while." Tabitha commented, as a light smile graced Carlisle's face.

"Well, when he's released from the hospital, Esme will take care of that. She'll have everything he could possibly eat, all directed by Alice." Carlisle replied, making Tabitha smile as well.

       Carlisle checked Alec's vitals once again, before changing his drip and walking out of the room. Alec soon began to get sleepy, since he had woken up quite early and had conversed with Jasper for quite a while.

"I need to head home, get ready for school." Jasper said, as he stood from his chair.

"You've only got half an hour before school starts." Tabitha commented, causing Jasper to chuckle.

"I'm quite fast, darling. I'll make it on time." He replied, as Tabitha realized her mistake.

"Yeah, I totally forgot you weren't exactly human." She said, as a smile came to Jasper's face.

"I'll see you both later." Jasper stated, before walking out of the hospital room.

      Tabitha sighed contently, as she sat back down beside Alec's bed. Alec fell asleep soon after, giving Tabitha time to think. She had been given some of the best news she could've received in a long time. She hoped with all her heart that Alec would be getting out of the hospital Friday as planned but she knew she couldn't count on it indefinitely. Anything could change and she knew that for a fact.

     As Tabitha sat in the hospital room with her son, Jasper ran home and quickly got ready for school. He made his way downstairs, where the rest of his family was waiting on him. Alice had already seen Tabitha's decision but she wanted Jasper to tell everyone and give her confirmation. Carlisle had been told earlier in the morning, when he had first checked on Alec and told Jasper that Alec had the possibility of being released on Friday.

"So, what did she say?" Rosalie asked, too impatient to give her brother time to speak.

"Rosalie." Esme countered, giving Rosalie a disapproving look.

"Tabitha and I talked for a while last night. I told her that she didn't have to leave town, we'd find her a place to live and we'd leave her alone forever if she wanted us to do so. After our brief conversation, she told me that she decided she'd stay with us. She trusts us. Trusts me, with her and her son's lives." Jasper stated, as everyone smiled at him.

"How are you sure she was telling the truth?" Rosalie asked, earning another look of disapproval from Esme.

"She invited me to talk to her son last night. When he fell asleep, she had looked so exhausted. I had told her to get some rest but she was so worried that a doctor would come in or that Alec would awake and need her. So, I offered to stay with them and she let me. She slept and allowed me to watch over them for the night, without any shadow of hesitation." Jasper replied, as the family members began to smile even more.

"Besides Rose, I seen her decision. I knew she was telling the truth. I can't wait until Friday. Tabitha and Alec will finally be home with us, where they belong." Alice said, as she bounced with joy.

     What she didn't tell everyone, was that she now knew for a fact that Tabitha and Alec were going to mean more to the family than they thought already...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Merry early Christmas!!! Happy Holidays!!! It's been a while since I updated and I'm very sorry. Truth be told, the holidays are very difficult around here. There's so much stress and the only time I have to write is when I go lay down for bed. I've been so tired and stressed out that I haven't written as much as I like. Writing makes the stress go away though, so I'm not so stressed out when I fall asleep.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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