My mom woke me up by gently shaking me. Her always-beautiful red hair fell around her soft facial features, perfectly complementing her blue eyes.

"Wake up Evelyn, it's time for school." 

"Okay I'm up"

"Alright, I love you"

"Love you too, mom." I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I leaned against the wall, looking at my dirty room. I lifted my hand, a small ball of red energy forming at my fingertips. After only a short moment the clothes on my floor folded and put themselves away and my bed made itself. I got dressed and grabbed my bag that was sitting on my floor.

My mom drove me to school while on her way to the Avengers Compound. She was an Avenger, Wanda Maximoff to be specific.

"You really need to start eating breakfast more often, Evelyn."

"I know, mom."

"I brought you an apple, it's in my purse. Would you grab it?" I reached into the back seat and grabbed the apple out of her purse. I hate apples.

I reluctantly ate it. 

"And remember tomorrow we're going to have training at the compound with Natasha." Since my mom had so many powers, I inherited most of them. And a couple of my own. But, this didn't come easily for me. I still have to learn how to control them better. I can control most of them, enough to be able to go to a real school, though telepathy has proven to be the most difficult to control. That's what I'm going to practice tomorrow, also combat skills.

My telepathy is a little different. I can read people's minds and see what their thinking without them knowing. I can also sometimes see their future. But that wasn't voluntary. I did it by accident only a few times. My mom has no idea, and she won't let me be an Avenger until I can control all my powers completely. I still haven't decided if I'm going to tell her yet.

"I know"

"Good luck today!" She said, stopping the car in the school parking lot.

"Thanks" I said getting out of the car.

Today was my first day of school. Ever. Here my name would be Evelyn Stevens.

Once she drove away I threw out the rest of the apple. I stopped at my locker to grab my books and a pen. I started walking down the hall. As much as I want it, I shouldn't be here. I should be with my mom. I should be an Avenger. I should be- what the hell?

"I'm so sorry!" I looked up to see a brown-eyed boy with fluffy hair looking back at me. "I didn't see you there! Are you alright?" He bent down quickly and grabbed my books for me. "Here." He said with a smile, handing them back to me. His hand grazed mine for a moment and I unintentionally read his mind. I really need to get better control of my powers. His mind was busy, he was thinking of... some kind of tech. It reminded me of something I would see in Tony's workshop. It was gone before I could figure out what it was.

"It's fine, don't worry about it" I gave him a small smile and walked to my next class.


I sat down at the back of the classroom.

"Alright everyone, great news!" Said my science teacher, Mrs. Thompson, clapping her hands together. "I've changed the seating chart." A series of groans followed as a few more students filtered in. "Yes, yes I know, I know I'm awful. Please find your name on the board and sit down in your assigned seats. And, remember, these will be your partners for the rest of the year. So, If you have any complaints I'm all ears. Though, without a solid reason, I won't be changing anything" I walked up to the board and searched for my name. There it is right next to... Peter Parker. Peter Parker? I'm sure I've heard that name before... 

I sat in my seat still thinking about where I heard that name before.

Suddenly a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hi, I'm Peter"

I looked up. It was the same brown-eyed boy from earlier. "Oh, right you're the one that bumped into me in the hallway"

"Uh, yeah. Sorry again about that" 

"Don't worry about it. I'm Evelyn." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Evelyn." A small smile stretched across his lips. 

"So looks like we're partners for the rest of the year."

"Looks like it" He said, sitting down beside me. 

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