The next day...

We arrived at Avengers Compound early-- as always. My mom told me to go inside before her because Dad called. Something about not being able to find his favourite pants or something. I walked in quietly. I quickly said hi to everyone before making a beeline for Natasha. We went down to the training room and started. Before long my Mom was down with us.

A month later...

When I got to school I was a little excited, because we're going to get our first project today. 

I got to my first class and sat down. I twirled my pen around my fingers in a fast, neat little trick I learned years ago.

Peter sat next to me and we said hi to each other.

"All right class," Mrs. Thompson started. "Today, as you may remember, you will be receiving your first project! The catch is, this will be a partner project and you'll be doing this with your desk buddy." The whole class aside from me and Peter gave unenthusiastic groans. I was excited to do my first ever partner project-- as dumb as that sounds.

I gave a weak smile to Peter, and he gave me a goofy grin.

"So, when should we work on it?" I asked.

"After school is best. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah, where should we work?" I was hoping that he wouldn't suggest my house. Because if he came to my house, he'd see who my parents were and- well, that wouldn't be good. 

"We could go to my place?" Oh, thank god.

"Sure." I smiled again.

I was a little nervous to go to his house because I've never been to any one else's house-- accept the Avengers-- never mind a boys house. I'm probably being childish, I know. But still.


Just as I dreaded, the end of the day came. It was time to go to Peter Parker's house. I grabbed what I would need for the project and texted my mom that I'd be working on a project with a classmate. I didn't tell her who, because then she'd get Tony to look him up.

Peter met me at my locker.

"Hey, are you ready?"

I looked up from my phone and shoved it in my pocket. "Yeah. Lead the way." I said.

"So... what was your last school like?" he asked after a while of walking in awkward silence.

"I was homeschooled actually. But it wasn't horrible. My dad's crazy good at math and stuff so I already know everything we're learning in math class."

"Oh, cool."

"Yeah, I guess. How's Midtown? I mean I think I have a pretty good idea so far but,"

"Um, it's alright. The teachers are pretty good, the students- well, they're okay. Except, maybe- I don't want to tell you what to do, but if I were you I'd stay away from Flash."

"Oh, is that the football player?"

"No, but he's the one that shoves people in lockers. He's kind of a douche."

"Okay, I'll steer clear. Thanks for the heads up."

"No problem." We both smiled awkwardly.


btw the pen trick i'm talking about is the trick tom holland does. (look up tom holland pen trick on youtube)

And I'm too dumb to think of a science project so.... I'll just leave it blank...

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