Monday December 19...

Today was our first back school in a while. And it didn't help that I missed Germany.

My alarm went off and I got up. I looked over at the two copies of Divergent that Peter got for me. I put them on the shelf with my important books.

I got ready quickly. I ran downstairs and grabbed a still hot piece of toast from the table. I put on my shoes and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too! Have a good day at school!"

"I will" I called behind me, shutting the door and taking a bite of the toast. I walked to school, listening to music. I took out my earbud when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around. "Oh hey!" I said turning off my phone.

"Where were you? You left for like 2 whole weeks!"

"I know, one of my uncles past away"

"Oh god. I'm sorry" MJ said, falling into my step.

"That's alright. I've only met him once, when I was 3"

"Oh. Anyway, what happened with your boy problems?"

"Oh that's right! I totally forgot to tell you about it! Sorry, but uhm. I went to call him, but before I could I heard something hit my window, and there he was, in the pouring rain, standing with a bouquet of flowers." MJ raised an eyebrow.


"We kissed" I said.


"Yeah, it was like the notebook, but without the yell- wait, okay never mind."

"You yelled at each other?"

"Well yeah, we were fighting at first"

"Romantic" We both laughed.

"I thought you weren't the kind of person that would want to know about this stuff"

"Thought I'd try something new"

"Ah." I said switching what hand my toast was in and shoved the other in my pocket to warm it up.

"Hey did you see the news the other day?"

"No, why?"

"The Avengers and some other people were fighting at an airport in Germany"

My eyes widened, fearful that somehow she, and the rest of the world knew, even though I had a mask on. "Really? Do you know who the other people were?"

"Well, one was Spider-Man. But I don't know who this one girl was"

"Huh" I said taking the final bite of my toast.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Hey, do you know why Peter was gone for the same amount of time as you?" She was suspicious of something.

"He was gone? Really? I had no idea."


When we got to school we went our separate ways.

I walked into my English class and sat down. The rest of the class filtered in slowly. I watched as Peter sat down and Flash sat next to him. Apparently when we were gone Flash and Ben, Peter's old desk partner, had to switch seats. Something about Flash beating up the guy he sat next to one too many times, so now Peter was his new punching bag-- not that he wasn't before, but before he could avoid Flash. Now that was almost impossible.

I zoned out during class, I don't think that I heard anything the teacher said. I glanced down at my watch.

33 minutes left.

I zoned out again, my chin resting in my hand.

"Ms. Stevens," I looked over at her, and everyone else in the class looked at me. I hadn't even noticed that my gaze wandered over to Peter. "if you could focus on the board instead of Mr. Thompson, I think that that would benefit you greatly during our test this week." Did she think I was looking at Flash? Gross.

"Sorry" I said, shifting in my seat. I didn't bother correcting her because that would just make the situation worse.

My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. I kept my hand over the bottom part of my face and everyone turned their attention back to the teacher as she continued the lesson.

The rest of the 30 minutes felt like a year. When the bell finally rung I grabbed my binder and pen and walked out of the classroom. I walked down the hall and shoved my binder into my locker. My next period was study hall, so I didn't need anything from my locker because I could just get the textbooks that I needed from the library.

When I closed my locker a sharp gasp escaped my mouth. "Jesus Flash, you scared the shit out of me!"

"Did your heart skip a beat? Cause that's what tends to happen when women see me" He said, winking.

I sighed. "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just here to make your dreams come true"

"What?" I said, a puzzled look on my face.

"What do you say? Me, you, dinner"

"I say no"

"Alright. Me, you, dinner and a movie"

"Still no Flash"

"Me, you and just a movie?"

"Let me put it this way since you clearly don't understand. Anything with me and you is not going to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I would never go out with you Flash."

"Then why were you staring at me during class?"

"I wasn't looking at you" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then who were you looking at?" I didn't respond. "So you were looking at me. How about we go out to lunch today?"

"Flash, I'm not going to go out with you. Besides, I'm dating someone."


"Your mom." I said, walking away. Or so I thought. Flash followed behind me, continuously asking me out. I decided to just ignore him because I already told him that I would never go out with him.

Just as Flash put his hand on my shoulder it dropped. I turned around quickly and saw Peter with his arm around Flash's shoulders, his forearm against Flash's neck almost suffocating him "Touch her again and you won't live to see what happens next." He whispered into Flash's ear.

I was just close enough to hear what he said.

Then, Peter let go of him and slapped him on the back. "Got it?" Flash nodded and walked away quickly. He turned to me. "You okay?"

"I am now. Thanks."

"Anytime." He smiled as though he didn't just threaten to kill Flash. He obviously thought that I didn't hear him. I decided to go along with it.

"What did you say to him?" I said as we continued walking to the library.

"Nothing, I just told him that you weren't interested."

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